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5A Unit1 教学方案 (第二课时)

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5A Unit1 教学方案 (第二课时)


5A Unit1 教学方案 (第二课时)

第一部分  简要提示
一、年级:五年级                 二、单元:unit1
三、课题:the first day at school     四、课型:单词句型新授课
五、教学内容:单元part b c d
1. 掌握单词、词组:toilet, garden, swing, slide,reading room, table tennis, any
2. 进一步巩固掌握句型:is there a …? yes, there is. / no, there isn’t.   are there any…? yes, there are. / no, there aren’t.   how many … are there? there are …
七、重点难点:1. 进一步掌握句型:is there a …? yes, there is. / no, there isn’t.   are there any…? yes, there are. / no, there aren’t.   how many … are there? there are …
             2. 能正确地运用there be句型问答和表述身边的事物。
第二部分   教学过程
1.  t: nice to meet you, boys and girls. today we will learn unit 1 part bcd. 同学们好,今天我们将学习第一单元的bcd部分。this is the second lesson of the new term. 今天是新学期的第二节课on the first day of the new term, we learnt something about the school. 新学期的第一天我们学习了有关学校的课文,你们还记得吗?(ppt3, ppt4 屏幕中出现以下几个问题)
please answer the questions
is it the first day of the new term?
are the students happy to see each other again?
is there a new building?
how many classrooms are there in the building?
what rooms are there?
t: yes. it is the first day of the new term. all the students are back at school. they are happy to see each other again. there is a new building in the school. there are twenty-four classrooms in it. there are two reading rooms, a table tennis room and a computer room.
now, let's try to retell the text.现在你们也能这样试着复述一下昨天学的课文吗?(ppt5) 稍作停顿
   t: great!太棒了!相信通过不断地努力,你们还可以说得更好
   (本步骤设计说明:本课重点学习b部分词汇和there be句型。通过复习并复述课文,学生对there be句型有了进一步的熟悉,为后面的教学做铺垫。)
1.  t: now, let's play a guessing game. 下面让我们来玩个猜谜游戏。look at this picture. try to guess: what’s this? 猜猜看这是什么?( ppt6缓慢点击鼠标4次,出现完整的图片)
   t: right. there are a lot of trees and flowers. what’s this?
   t: it's a garden. (ppt7出现单词:garden, 带读,教授)
2.  t: excuse me, is there a slide in the garden? (ppt8 带读,教授新词汇:slide)
   t: what about the swing? ( ppt9带读,新授词汇:swing )


5A Unit1 教学方案 (第二课时)
