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3A Unit 2 教学方案(第二课时)

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3A Unit 2 教学方案(第二课时)


3A Unit 2 教学方案(第二课时)

第一部分 简要提示       

一、年级:3年级                        二、单元:unit 2
三、课题:nice to meet you                 四、课型:新授课
五、教学内容:单元part b
1. 能听懂、会说、会读八个有关颜色的单词black, white, red, yellow, blue, green, brown, orange。
2. 学生能听懂问句what colour? 并能回答其答句it’s …
第二部分 教学过程
t: hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you. 还记得怎么回答nice to meet you吗?yes, we can say “nice to meet you, too.” 那我们再来练习一下。i say, nice to meet you, boys and girls. you say…
t: helen and mr green come to our class today. helen和格林老师也来了。now let’s greet them together.让我们一起来问候他们吧! (ppt 问答练习)
t: helen and mr green went to a park last class. do you remember what happened in the park?上节课helen和格林老师都去了公园,同学们还记得在公园里都发生了哪些故事吗?let’s review the story with pictures.我们看着图一起先回忆一下。(ppt 补全对话)
t: in this class i will play some magic to you. do you like magic? i hope you have fun with me. 同学们喜欢魔术吗?今天这节课,我要给同学们表演几个魔术。
t: look, what is it? it’s a bottle of water. 看,这儿有一瓶水。the water has no colour but it will have colour later.现在水没有颜色,但是等一会儿它就会有颜色了。“magic, magic, one two three”.(摇瓶,水变蓝颜色)
t: what colour is it? 它是什么颜色? it’s blue.是蓝色。(ppt 点出单词,blue,教)
look at the screen. what colour is it? (ppt it’s blue. 教 )
t: here i have another bottle of water. what colour will it be?  “magic, magic, one two three”.(摇瓶,水变黄颜色)what colour is it? 它是什么颜色了?it’s yellow. 是黄色。(ppt 点出单词,带读yellow,教)
t: look, what colour is it? it’s yellow. (ppt it’s yellow. 教)
t: i have the last bottle of water. let’s guess what colour is it now?来猜猜它会变什么颜色呢? is it blue? no. is it yellow? no. watch carefully. “magic, magic, one two three”. (摇瓶,水变红颜色)
t: what colour is it? it’s red. 是红色。(ppt 点出单词,red,教)
  look at the pictures. what colour is it? (ppt it’s red. 教)
t: red, yellow和blue我们称之为“三原色” tricolor。
t: (指着蓝色的水瓶) what colour is it? it’s blue. (指着黄色的水瓶) what colour is it? it’s yellow.
what colour is it when blue meets yellow? “magic, magic, one two three”. what colour is it? it’s green.是绿色。(ppt 点出单词,green,教)



3A Unit 2 教学方案(第二课时)
