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Unit 7 It’s nice

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Unit 7 It’s nice


Unit 7 It’s nice

一.教学内容:《九年以为教育小学教科书(实验本)英语》3a unit 7
1.能听、说a sweater、a coat、a jacket、a blouse、a dress、a t-shirt、a skirt
2.能听、会说it’s smart. it’s pretty. thank you.
3.能听懂look at his shirt.look at my new blouse.
2.会用it’s smart.it’s pretty.来称赞别人的衣服。
   人称代词my,your,his,her 的用法
step 1free talk
1.  t: good morning,.
s: good morining, miss ke.
2.  t: what’s your name?
s: i’m .
3.  t: how are you?
s: i’m fine,thank you.and you?
t: i’m ok. thank you.
4.t: how old are you?
s: i’m seven.
5.t: nice to meet you.
s:nice to meet you.
step 2. presentation
1. t: boys and girls,look, is wearing a coat, this is a coat. (手指那个学生的外套)   a coat!
  s: a coat.
  t: it’s pretty. (翘拇指对着那位学生说)
  t: is wearing a jacket. a jacket. (手指那位学生的夹克)
  s: a jacket.
  t: it’s smart.
同样方法教授 a sweater, a blouse,a dress, a shirt,a t-shirt, a skirt
同时让学生会说it’s smart/pretty.
2.t: i have many pictures, you can guess what it is. if you are right, you’ll get it.
教师拿出一张让学生猜,只让学生看到外衣的反面形状,a t-shirt? a coat? please guess.
s: (学生用刚学会的八种服装名称来猜)
t: (猜对的就给学生)
3.  have a break:每个学生都用水彩笔给刚才猜对而得到的那件衣服涂上最喜欢的颜色。教师放背景音乐colour song.
4.  t: boys and girls,i have many new clothes. it’s new. it’s old.(两件衣服对比) it’s new.
s: it’s new.
t: a new blouse. (手拿一件衬衫)
s: a new blouse.
t: a new shirt. (手拿一件衬衫)
s: a new shirt.
t:what’s this? (手拿一件新毛衣)
s: a new sweater.
同法练习 a new coat, a new jacket,a new dress, a new skirt, a new t-shirt. 每讲意见新衣服,就让一名学生上来穿上它。
5. t: now ,let’s have a fashion show. (放音乐)
s: (学生穿着衣服一个一个的走出)
t: look at his shirt.
s: it’s smart.
t: look at his coat.
s: it’s smart.
t: look at her dress.
t,s: it’s pretty.
t: look at her blouse.
s:it’s pretty.
t:look at her skirt.
s:it’s pretty.
t:look at her sweater.
s:it’s pretty.
6.t: (脱下自己的外衣) look at my new sweater.
   s: it’s pretty.
   t: thank you .
   t: take out the picture you have ,and say:  look at my blouse.
   s: it’s pretty.
   t: thank you.
   s: look at my new coat.
   t: it’s pretty / smart.
step 3 exercise
   do exercise in the text : d/1 listen and number
step 4 homework
unit 7 it’s nice 来自第一范文网。


Unit 7 It’s nice
