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Unit 1 Our School 教案(6)

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Unit 1 Our School 教案(6)


Unit 1 Our School 教案(6)

b read and write c task time pronunciation
1. enable to listen, read, speak and write the words: teacher’s desk, picture, floor, and wall
2. enable to listen, read, speak and write: is this a teacher’s desk?
yes, it is.
3. know the pronunciation of “a”.
analysis of the teachingimportant points:
be able to write the four-killing words and sentences.
difficult points:
1. the right writing of picture, and the sentences
2. the pronunciation of “a”
knowledge points:
the pronunciation of “a”
analysis of the students
this lesson is talking about a teacher’s office, pay attention to the writing of the four-killing words and sentences.
teaching aids
a tape recorder; the cards of new words
teaching procedure:   
step one warm-up
1.the free talk
t: good morning, class.
s: good morning, miss liu…
2.review the part of let’s do
(teaching intention: firstly, the ss can be interested in english by singing and set up a good english atmosphere. secondly, ss can be confident in english studying.)
3. sing a song “ our school”
step two presentation
1. jack is in a room. there are many books in it. he can see many students. they are reading books. they are quiet. where is jack?
2. listen to the tape of ant’s talking to finish the blank picture.
3. listen, read and point
4. learn the writing of the words
a.read and spell
i say with my little eyes.
spell game
(teaching intention: improve their interesting and remember)
step three practice
1. write and draw
show the picture of this part, the ss will finish the exercises, will find out who is the best.
(praise: good; ok; great; excellent; very good; wonderful; try hard; come on.)
2. game: spelling
the teacher makes the letters in disorder, let the ss make the new words.
(praise: good; ok; great; excellent; very good; wonderful; try hard; come on.)
3.task time
the ss will draw the classroom by their willing, the teacher gives a certain guides and encourage the ss to be brave to answer the questions.
step four consolidation and extension
1. do the exercise of the work book
2. enable writes the new words
3. pronunciation
find the arrangements of the words “a”
listen and repeat.
4. a little test:
a. read and write.(填入适当的字母,补全单词。)
teacher____ desk   ___icture   fl___r w___ll
b. read, tick or cross. (判断下列每组单词划线部分的读音是否相同。)
class  fan  (   )floor   door  (    )
this   yes  (   )my  many   (    )
computer   bus  (   )canteen   teacher (    )


Unit 1 Our School 教案(6)
