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Unit 1 Our School 教案(2)

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Unit 1 Our School 教案(2)


Unit 1 Our School 教案(2)

a let’s talk let’s play c let’s sing
1. enable understands and says the sentences “this is the teacher’s office. that is my classroom.” and put them in the practice.
2. enable sings the song “our school”
3. know the different ways to say the floors.
analysis of the teaching
important points:
mastery the new sentences “this is … / that is …” put them into the practice.
difficult points:
the differences of “this \ that”
knowledge points:
1. the usage of “on the first floor”
2. the usage of “this \ that”
analysis of the students:
this lesson is talking about our school, pay attention to the useful phrases and sentences put them in the practice.
teaching aids:
a tape recorder; the cards of new words; the headwear of zhang peng; some pictures
teaching procedure:   
step one warm-up
1.say and do. ( book 4 unit1 a let’s do)
(teaching intention: preview, lay a good foundation for the next study)
2. review
read the words use the pictures: playground, teacher’s office, library, garden, canteen
sing the song “our school”
(teaching intention: firstly, the ss can be interested in english by singing and set up a good english atmosphere. secondly, ss can be confident in english studying.)
step two presentation
1. presentation of the new dialogue
a. put the pictures at the places and teaching this \ that
far is that   near is that
this is the canteen. that is the teacher’s office. (practice the new sentences two times.)
b. t: how many students are there in your class?
  s: …
  t: in our school, do you have a library?
s: …
t: do you have a canteen?
s: …
t: where is the canteen?
s: …
t: do you have lunch at school?
s: …
(teaching intention: presentation of the new lesson)
who can see in the picture? where are they?
2. drill and practice
practice the new sentences again and again. practice in different ways.
(teaching intention: ss can grasp the new lesson.)
3. listen and read
listen to the tape and imitate
(teaching intention: the ss can have a standard pronunciation. )
step three practice
1. act
practice the dialogue in groups and then act out.
(praise: good; ok; great; excellent; very good; wonderful; try hard; come on.)
2.let’s play
guess the words use the pictures: this is a …
step four consolidation and extension
1. make a zigzag book
2. a little test: choose the right answer. (选择合适的答案。)
(   ) (1) what’s _____ the classroom?
a. on   b. in    c. under
(   ) (2) where’s the canteen? it’s _____ the first floor.
a. on   b. in    c. near


Unit 1 Our School 教案(2)
