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Lesson 15

lesson 15class opening1.      greetingteacher: hello, class. how are you doing today? it’s a lovely day, isn’t it? are you ready for the class?2.      ask this question: who’s on duty? then listen to the student’s report.make sure the next student for “ who’s on duty?” knows who he or she is for next time.from today on, you can arrange a student to give a duty report every day.3.      ask volunteers to act out the dialogue in lesson 44.      sing a song “a plane is fast.”sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday.make a plan.what do you think of it?step1: presentation1.      play “what day is it?’2.      discuss: do you like to make plans for your life?step2: drillt: (holding a book) what do you think of the book?s: it’s ok.t: (holding a pencil case) what do you think of the pencil case?s: it’s nice.t: how about the picture?step3: practice1.      books closed! ask this question: what does li ming change in the plan? play the audiotape.2.      check the answer.3.      play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student books.4.      students listen and repeat.5.      get the students to make up new dialogues in pairs.6.      explain “ write home”. it means write a letter to family members.plan of our tripstep4: presentationshow the students a calendar to review the words: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday.step5: practice1.      play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student books.2.      ask and answer.students a: what do they on monday?student b: they leave shijiazhuang and arrive in beijing.student a: what do they do on tuesday?3.      explain that danny and jenny shop in shijiazhuang means danny and jenny go shopping in shjiazhuang.class closing read the story “li ming goes to the airport” the reader in the activity book and audiotape


