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unit 1   单元测试
第一部分  听力
ⅰ.1—5  babac
ⅱ.6—10  bccbc
ⅲ.11—15  acbba
ⅳ.16.dog  17.three  18.follow  19.turn  20.wrong
第二部分  笔试
ⅰ.1—5  dcbac  6—10  cabaa   11—15  dcdba
ⅱ.16—20  gcfde
ⅲ.21—25  dcdca    26—30  dbcab
ⅳ.(a)31—35  ttfff
(b)36.disabled; communication
37.i not only worked hard but also did well in every subject.
38.how did you “talk” with each other?
39.she told me to go there as often as possible.
(c)41—45  badcb
(d)46.they can be found in africa, south america and some parts of asia.
47.seventy-five percent /75%.
48.not having enough food; living in poor housing; suffering from many kinds of diseases; getting little education.(答对其中两点即可)
49.yes, there will.
ⅴ.(a)51.development  52.invention  53.quickly  54.difficulties  55.flooded
(b)56.provides; with  47.thanks to  58.made; progress  59.less than
  60.keep/catch up with
ⅵ.61.for  62.known  63.reached  64.countryside  65.developed  66.prefer  67.education  68.control  69.much  70.serious
dear alice,
thank you for inviting me to take part in your birthday party. i’d like to come, but my mother is ill. i have to stay at home to look after/take good care of her. so i can’t come. happy birthday to you!
hello, everyone. as we know, many iraqis become homeless people because of the war. some of them are children. they used to be rich but now they lost warm houses and have no enough food to eat. the children have no chance to go to school. the hard living conditions made the homeless children become child laborers. what do you think of their bad life?
let’s make a wonderful program to help these children return to live like other people. i think we should call for(呼吁) ending the war. we give support to these poor child laborers through raising money. so they can live in warm houses, get a good education and live a happy life. we hope there will be smiles on their faces. if you’d like to join the program, please come to our community services.

unit 2单元测试
题号 第一部分 第二部分 总分
 ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ ⅴ ⅵ ⅶ 



