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高一英语上册Unit 3 - 4单元专题复习教案

高一英语上册unit 3 - 4单元专题复习教案
unit 3 - 4
study aim: grasp the following words and sentence structure and remember how to use them.
study guide: read the new words and fill in the blanks in about 20 minutes.
study test: finish the exercise given.
1. as well as 的用法
2. is anybody seeing you off? 进行时表将来
3. unless引导条件状语从句,相当于if... not
4. it didn't take long before the building was destroyed.     before的用法
5. normal, separate 与strike的用法
1. before she could move,she heard a loud noise. 她还没有来得及动弹,就听见很响的声音。
该句中的before用作连词,后接时间状语从句, 表示“在……之前”。但在不同的语境中,往往有比较灵活的译法。
we had sailed four days before we finally saw the land .我们一直航行了四天才看见陆地。
(2) 还没来得及……一个动作就发生了
 before i could say thanks to him , he had left in a hurry.我还没来的及向他表示,他就匆忙离开了。
(3) 趁还没怎么样 去做一个动作
    before you forget it , write it down. 趁你还没忘记赶快把它记下。
(1) it will be +一段时间+before 从句   再过一段时间才能怎么样
it will be 5 years before we meet again.再过5年我们才能再次相见。
(2) it won’t +before 从句    过了不久某个事情就发生了
it won’t be long before we meet again.  再过不久我们就能再次相见了
(3) it was +一段时间+before 从句     过了一段时间某事发生了
he went abroad in 1998. it was 5 years before he returned .1998年他出国。5年后他回国了。
(4) it wasn’t long +一段时间+before 从句  过了不久某个事情就发生了
he went abroad in 1998. it wasn’t long before he returned .1998年他出国了。不久他回国了。
2. normal adj. 正常的;正规的
   与regular, common, usual的区别:
    (1) regular 规则的;有规律的  common普通的;常见的 usual 惯常的;惯例的ordinary 平凡的;普通的
练习:keep _____________  hours       the _______________ temperature
      tom is a ____________ name in britain.  it's __________with him to go to the office on foot.
in ______________ dress         have a _____________ interest 有着共同爱好
3. eco-travel is a way to find out what can be done to help animals and plants as well as people. 生态游可以找到既帮助别人.又帮助动植物的途径。
(1) well是副词,意思是“好,优秀”,as well as是形容词  同级比较结构。
如:she sings as well as naying.   he plays as well as, if not better than, jack.



