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module 4 library
unit 1 where are the books about computers,please?
1. 听懂会说单词: library, find, cd-rom, bring, use, card, easy.
2. 能熟练应用句型: where are the books about computers, please?
please bring back the book in two week’s time.
1、听懂会说单词library, find, cd-rom, bring, use, card, easy.
2、学习并应用句型 where are the books about computers, please?
please bring back the book in two week’s time.
三、教具:多媒体课件, cd-rom, tape recorder

step 1:warm up
1. greetings.
2. sing the song: where did you go?
3. guessing game:  
①playground: you can play football or basketball there.
② television: you can watch some interesting programmes in it.
 ③bookshop: you can buy lots of books there.
④library: you can borrow or read books there. 出示新词 library
step2 presenting and drilling
1)show the topic: module 4 library unit 1 where are the books about computers, please? 
2) new words:
1) t:(课件) look , what’s this ? ss : it’s a library.
t: yes. it’s a library.
2) learn other words in the same way:  library card, cd-rom,shelf
t: i want to make an e-card for my friend.(学习新词e-card)i need a book about e-cards. where can i find it ?
ss:in the library.
t(课件): “yes, i can find a book about animals in the library.what do we need when we borrow books from the library?”
ss: “a library card.”
t:“look, this is my library card. i will use  it to borrow a book from the library.” (学习单词use)have you got a library card,too?can i have your library card, please?
t: thank you.i’ll bring it back later on.(学习 bring back)
3) guessing game:let’s play a game .it’s easy for you.(学习新词easy)
where are the books about anmimals?
where are the books about fruits?
where are the books about trees?
where are the books about toys?
where are the books about clothes?
where are the books about music?
4)小组合作missing game.s1: where are the books about ……?they are ……
step 3. text
1) listen and point, then answer the questions about the dialogue.
2) listen, point and repeat.
step 4:  课本剧表演
step 5:homework
1. listen and follow the tape 5 times.
2. read and copy the new words.

unit2  where can you find out about animals?
1.理解并掌握几个词语:train information,timetatble,words,dictionary,weather,newspaper
2.重要句型:where can you find out about animals?
you can find out about      in\on        .



