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Unit3 What’s your job?

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Unit3 What’s your job?


Unit3 What’s your job?

a read and say
hi, what’s your name?
i’m jack.
how old are you?
i’m one.
what’s your job?
i’m a waiter.
are they waiters, too?
no, they aren’t.
what are their jobs?
they’re drivers.
b look read learn
a policeman    a policewoman    a waiter    a waitress    a driver    a worker
a cook    a farmer
c ask and answer
what’s your job?     i’m a policeman.
what’s your job?     i’m a policewoman.
what are their jobs?     they’re farmers.
what are their jobs?     they’re drivers.
what’s his job?     he’s a cook.
what’s her job?     she’s a waitress.
d look, read and complete
who’s my friend? guess!
is your friend a boy?     no, my friend is a girl.
how old is she?     she’s ten.
are her eyes big?     no, her eyes are small.
is her hair long?     yes, her hair is long.
your friend is yang ling, i think.     yes, you’re right.
e read and act
yang ling: it’s cold todoy, isn’t it?
su yang: yes. look at that old woman.
yang ling: which one?
su yang: the one in the red sweatre.
yang ling: she’s my grandmother.
su yang: how old is she?
yang ling: guess!
su yang: about sixty?
yang ling: no. she’s eighty.
f listen and repeat
dress    driver    tree    trousers
the driver’s dress and trousers are in the tree.
g fun house
1   look and read
what’s your name?     i’m mingming.
how old are you?     i’m two.
what’s her name?    mingming.     she’s mingming, too.
how old is she?     two.     oh, she’s two, too!
2        do a survey
what do you want to be?     i want to be a/an…
teacher    doctor    worker    nurse    policeman    policewoman    waiter
waitress    farmer    driver    cook
how many boys and girls want to be a/an…?
3 sing a song
they sing happily
a farmer, a worker, a driver and a waiter.they sing, they sing, happily, happily together.


Unit3 What’s your job?
