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牛津小学英语4B Unit 1 A new student 教学设计(第三课时)

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牛津小学英语4B Unit 1 A new student 教学设计(第三课时)


牛津小学英语4B Unit 1 A new student 教学设计(第三课时)

2、正确运用日常交际用语welcome to our school. who’s that boy? i’m new here.
3、能正确运用句型 who’s that…? he’s… she’s… are you a…? yes, i am. no, i’m not.
五、课前准备:人物图片 mike, miss li, miss king, gao shan,人物头饰 ben
单词卡片 student, teacher, woman, teacher , boy
step 1 warm up:watch a little video: who’s that man?
step 2 free talk
1. (1)t: who’s that man in the video?
        ss: he’s mr brown.
        t: he’s a doctor. are you a doctor?
 s1: no, i’m not.
(2) t: excuse me, are you a doctor?
s2: no, i’m not.
t: are you a student?
s3: yes, i am.
now it’s your turn. you ask and i answer 教师手持人物职业卡片,不让学生看见
1). s1: excuse me, are you a teacher?
t: no, i’m not. i’m a doctor.
2)s2: excuse me, are you a student ?
t: no, i’m not. i’m a teacher.
2. 引导学生(用两句话来)介绍自己和他人。
1)t: i’m a teacher, yes or no?
s: yes
t: i’m a girl, yes or no?
s: yes
    t: yes, i’m a teacher, i’m a girl.
    t: can you introduce yourself like this?
    s1: i’m a student, i’m a girl.
s2: i’m a student, i’m a boy.

2)a. teacher points at a girl or a boy.
t: who’s that boy?
ss: he’s __________ . he’s a _______
t: who’s that girl?
ss: she’s__________ . she’s a _______
b. now, group 1 and 2 ask, group3and4 answer.
12: who’s that boy?
       34: he’s ... he’s a student.
    now, exchange
       34:who’s that girl?
12: she’s… she’s a student.

step 3 presentation.
1. t: look, who’s that boy?          (老师手拿ben 的头饰)
s: he’s mike.
t: no, you’re wrong.
t:now, i’m this boy. you ask me, ok? (老师戴上ben 的头饰让学生猜)
s: are you gao shan?
b: no, i’m not.
s: are you liu tao?
b: no, i’m not. i’m ben.
t: look! he’s ben. he’s a student. he’s a new student.
today we’ll learn a new lesson: a new student. (ss read the title after teacher.)
2. pre-reading
 1) ben与学生对话 t:now, who wants to welcome ben?
                  s1: hello, ben. welcome to our school.


牛津小学英语4B Unit 1 A new student 教学设计(第三课时)
