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Unit 2 What time is it? 教案(2)

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Unit 2 What time is it? 教案(2)


Unit 2 What time is it? 教案(2)

a let’s talk let’s play c let’s sing
teaching objectives
1. enable understands the dialogue, and can express the dialogue, and can use the dialogue in a certain situation.
2.enable uses the main sentences frequently: what time is it?
it’s 5:00.
3.to invent a new dialogue by groups. know “just a minute. let’s run. go home”
4.sing the song: it’s twelve o’clock.
the analysis of teaching
important points:
the sentences: what time is it now?
it’s 5:00. it’s 6:00. it’s time for dinner.
the difficult points:
the sentences: school is over.
just a minute.
let’s run.
knowledge points:
the usage of “it’s time for…”
analysis of the students:
the students can read the words fluently in the last class, so it will be easy for them to learn the dialogue. pay attention to the usage of “it’s time for…”
teaching aids
1.the teaching picture
2.the courseware.
3.the head ware of the main two persons.
4.a tape, a tape recorder.
teaching procedure
step one warm-up
1.review the part of let’s do.
2.the free-talk.
t: good morning. how are you?
s: fine. thank you. and you?
t: i’m fine. thanks.
t: what time is it now?
s: it’s nine o’clock. it’s time for english class.
ss: english class, english class, i love you.
(teaching intention: firstly, the ss can be interested in english by singing and set up a good english atmosphere. secondly, ss can be confident in english studying.)
step three presentation
1. let’s go to the playground.
shows the word-cards: playground, canteen, computer room, teacher’s office, garden, home and so on
the teacher shows the card one of them, and the students say: let’s go to the…
2. school is over.
teacher draws a clock and asks: what time is it?
it’s 5 o’clock.
yes, school is over, now.
read “school is over.”
3. show the courseware and asks: who are they?
he is wuyifan and he is john.
they are good friends.
john: school is over. let’s go to the playground .
wu: ok.
use the courseware to show the contents.
(teaching intention: presentation of the new lesson)
then listen, read and point. just a minute. (read “just a minute.)
step three practice
1. after the reading of let’s talk, the ss can practice in pairs and then act out the dialogue.
(teaching intention:firstly: make the students grasp the new lesson. secondly: revise the old knowledge. )
2. sing the song “it’s twelve o’clock”
step four consolidation and extension
1. do the exercise book of a let’s talk
2. make a new talk.
3. a little test:
read and choose. (选择填空。)
( ) 1. let’s __________.
a. go home b. go to home( )
2. it’s time ___ english.
a. for b. to


Unit 2 What time is it? 教案(2)
