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4B Unit2 At a party 第5课时

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4B  Unit2  At a party 第5课时


4B Unit2 At a party 第5课时

课时目标:analyze some of the items on the test paper
create the english atmosphere.
have free talk with the ss.
have free talk with the teacher.
analyze listening: let the ss understand it.
2.analyze part 1
analyze part 3. the ss get the general idea of special question and its answer.
analyze part 4.
analyze part 5.
analyze part 6
read these parts.
ask ss to read each word and tell me the sound of the underlined words and judge.
let the ss read each sentence and say the chinese meaning of the first word of each sentence.
let the ss to find the answer to each question.
let the ss find the clue.
give them some help at some certain time
1.the one in the brown shirt.
2.we’re late for class.
3.who’s the boy with a big head?
4.is that girl your sister?
5.let’s go and say hello.
let the ss correct by themselves.
  give some help.
listen again and one s tells the answer. others discuss it in class.
read each word and tell me the sound of the underlined words and listen to my comment carefully.
the ss reach each sentence and say the chinese meaning of the first word of each sentence and get the information.
find the answer to each question.
the ss find the clue.
1. boy brotherc
2. big nose b
3. big eyes  c
4. she   yes b
5. man  no   a
6. do youa
7. he mr. green   d
8. a yellow sweater   b
9. lated
10. according to meaning  c
look and correct.
correct by themselves
one tells the answer others judge.
the ss’ shortcoming is written english and they are lack of analysis ability. i should give them some analysis strategies.
they are puzzled with the question words.
master the words and sentences by correcting.
1.correct the paper
2.preview unit 3 part a.
3.design two names cards: one is for your father or mother; the other is for yourself (after twenty years).
take notes and finish.


4B  Unit2  At a party 第5课时
