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pep 第四册 Unit 1 Our School

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pep 第四册 Unit 1 Our School


pep 第四册 Unit 1 Our School

teaching aims:
1.listen .say ,read: teacher’s office, canteen, garden, playground, library.
2,let’s do. for example: go to the garden. water the flowers……
important and difficult notes:
1,words: playground, library, garden, canteen, teacher’s office.
2,do actions: go to the garden, water the flowers. go to the library, read a story book. go to the canteen, eat some noodles. go to the teacher’s office, hand in the homework. go to the playground, play football .
tools: 1,a picture of our school
     2,cards and tape and cards of the words
teaching course:
step 1,warm up
1,free talk: hello , a ,welcome back to school!
        hello, miss… nice to see you again.
        nice to see you , too.
2,preview: what’s in the classroom? a board, two lights, many desks and chairs.
(1) presentation of the new words
   the teacher introduce our school to the students: this is our classroom.what can you see in it? what else can you see in the school?.and then present the words: playground, teacher’s office, library, canteen, garden . the teacher use cards and things to teach students know what the meaning the words are and read them.
(2) practise
   read the words  ,then practise the dialogue : where is the ..? it’s on the first floor…practise the words. (3)game :teacher say and students do: show me your picture\ window…
(4) listen to tape
(5) presentation of the new phrases
  students do actions: water the flowers. read a book.
eat some noodles. play football. hand in the homework.
  listen and do actions.
(7)game: teacher says:garden, students say: flower, red, colour, trees
let’s do
 consolidation and extension
(1)   do activity book
(2)   practice: let’s do.
(3)   game: a student draws a book or a bowl, the other says: library, canteen.


pep 第四册 Unit 1 Our School
