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Unit 3 Is this your skirt? 教案 (2)

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Unit 3 Is this your skirt? 教案 (2)


Unit 3 Is this your skirt? 教案 (2)

a let’s talk let’s play
1.     to understand the contents of let’s talk: is this your skirt?
yes, it is.    whose is it? it’s my skirt.
2.       to use the sentences in a certain situation, and invent the new dialogue instead of the other words.
analysis of the teaching
important points
the main sentences: is this your skirt?  no, it’s not.
whose is it?      it’s my t-shirt.
difficult points
the sentences: whose is it? it’s my …     is that your …?  no, it’s not.
knowledge points:
the usage of log stowage
analysis of the students:
the students can read the words fluently in the last class, so it will be easy for them to learn the dialogue. pay attention to “whose”.
teaching aids
1. the courseware of let’s talk
2. the ss should prepare the models of the clothes.
3.     some stars.
teaching procedure
step one warm – up
1. the ss listen to a song and the t says:
t: boys and girls, it’s time for our english show. 1, 2, 3,
ss: english show. come on, come on, english show.
the ss act the part of let’s talk.
t: oh, look at here. what time is it?
ss: it’s 8 o’clock. it’s time for english class.
t: shall we begin our class?
ss: ok!
t: class begins. good morning to you.
ss: good morning to you.
t: good morning to you
ss: good morning to you.
t: sit down, please.
2. let’s do
t: first, let’s do, ok?
ss: ok! let’s do, let’s do, i’m ready!
 put on your t-shirt.
 hang up your skirt.
 take off your jacket.
 fold your dress.
 wash your shirt.
 put away your sweater.
(teaching intention:  firstly: make the students be interested in english by singing a song, saying a chant. secondly: revise the old knowledge and lay a foundation.)
step two presentation                        
1. fashion show
t: boys and girls, i have good news.
the fashion show of class 2 begins.
group 1: this is my green skirt.  that is my blue t-shirt ….
group 2: this is my purple dress.  that is my yellow shirt.
group 3 ………                 group 4: ……
2. t: oh, there are so many beautiful clothes. i like this green skirt. what color is it?
s: green.
t: is this your skirt?
s1: yes, it is.
then teach: is this your skirt? then the ss read after the t.
all the boys: is this your skirt?


Unit 3 Is this your skirt? 教案 (2)
