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Unit 3 Is this your skirt? 教案 (5)

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Unit 3 Is this your skirt? 教案 (5)


Unit 3 Is this your skirt? 教案 (5)

b let’s talk let’s find out c story time
1.       listen, say the sentences: what are they? these are my baby pants. and those are my shoes? yes. but what for? our neighbor has a new baby.
2. use the contents to finish the part of let’s find out.
3. to invent a new environment to a new dialogue.
         that is my dress. it’s pink.
         these are my jeans. they‘re blue.
4. know the story time.
analysis of the teaching
important points:
the asking sentences of: what are they? these are my baby pants.
and those are my pants?  yes. what for?
our neighbor has a new baby.
difficult points:
know the story time.
knowledge points:
the usage of “these are… / those are …”
analysis of the students:
the ss should master the contents: the asking sentences of: what are they? and be able to answer the questions.
teaching aids
1.       a tape recorder, a tape.
2.       the t prepares several boxes and the keys.
3.       the t prepares the cards of their baby clothes, and the head ware.
4.       the cards of different clothes.
teaching procedure
step one warm-up
1.       review the part of b let’s do, listen and do the actions.
2.       review the dialogue of a let’s talk.
3.       the daily talk and the free-talk.
    (teaching intention: firstly, the students can be interested in english by singing and acting. secondly, review the old knowledge and lay a foundation. )
step two presentation
1. teach these and those
a. presentation and practice for “these”
when having free talk with ss, teacher points to a card and asks: look at this. what’s this?
ss: it’s a skirt.
ask and answer for several times, then go on as follows: 
t: look at these. what are they?
ss: these are pants.
b. presentation and practice for “those”
when ask and answer with “these”, t points to something a little far away and asks:
look at those, what are they?
those are shoes.
ask and answer with other cards.
and now teacher can point to those baby pants or baby shoes consciously and teach baby pants and baby shoes.
c. ss use let’s find out, ask and answer in pairs.
look at it, what’s this?
look at these, what are they?
look at those, what are they?

2.     teach the dialogue
a.     presentation


Unit 3 Is this your skirt? 教案 (5)
