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Unit 7 It’s late (第一课时)

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Unit 7 It’s late (第一课时)


Unit 7 It’s late (第一课时)

一. 教学目标:
1. 能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词和句型:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,nine, ten . what’s the time ? it’s …
2. 能听得懂,会说和会读日常交际用语: it’s late. what time do you…? i …at…/at…
3. 通过歌曲,对话等多种形式,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。
二. 教学重,难点:
1. 能掌握数字1—100。
2.会运用句型what time do you...? i...at.../at...进行交际。
三. 教学用具;多媒体课件
四. 教学过程:
step 1  warm up.
1) free talk
2) sing a song << go to school >> (多媒体)
step2 teach numbers:
1. listen and count(复习1~20的数字)
2.do some exercises.(学习30~90的数字)
3.read and say.(引导学生归纳1~99的数字拼写规律)
4.read the numbers.
5. tell out the time.(由数字过渡到时间).
6. a game (mikey , mikey ,what’s the time?)
7. look and say.
  look at the clocks, ask and answer, make a new dialogue.
t: hi,…
s: hi, mr zhu.
t: what’s the time?
s: it’s seven.
t: it’s time to go to school!
s: all right. but how?
t: by bus.
s: let’s go.
step3 teach the sentences:
1)teach: what time do you get up?   at_____.
       way: a.( 出示钟面6:00) say: i get up at six o’clock.
            b. read : at.
            c. drill : what time do you go to school?
              (pass the ball , ask and answer.)
2)teach: breakfast.
        what time do you have breakfast?
        i have breakfast at_______.
   way: t(出示自己吃早饭的照片)ask and answer.
3)teach: it’s late.
  step4. consolitation.
   1. look ,ask and answer.(分别出示小丸子、姚明、宇航员的照片,然后进行人机对话。)
  2)chant: go, go,go,
           go to school.
           what time do you go to school?
           i go to school at seven .
      3)make a new chant.
      4)listen and say. (part a)
      step5. class work.
      do a survey(part d)


Unit 7 It’s late (第一课时)
