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小学英语总复习资料 日常用语

六年级英语毕业总复习(十)school:                class:                name:              



answer(答语)hello.what’s your name?  my name is chen jiaming./ i’m chen jiaming.this is sally.how do you do, sally?how do you do?how do you do?how are you ?i’m fine, thanks.and you?/ i’m ok.nice to meet you.nice to meet you, too.see you tomorrow.see you.would you like something to drink?yes, i’d like some coffee.may i come in ?come in, please.hello, may i speak to tom?  speaking.who’s calling?help yourself to some fish.thank you.happy birthday, dad.thank you.happy new year!happy new year!don’t read in the sun.all right.thank you .would you like to go shopping with me?yes, i’d love to./ i’d love to.but i’m busy now.shall we go fishing?all right. /  ok./  good idea.thank you very much.you’re welcome./ not at all.can i help you?yes, please./ no, thanks.may i have some coke?yes, of course.could you help me?sure./ yes, of course.why don’t you come to tea?  it’s a good idea.please say hello to your father for me.i will, thank you.good luck.thank you.i’m sorry.that’s all right./ it doesn’t matter.may i use your bike?yes, please.let’s go to school together.ok.let’s.how do you say that in english?it’s a picture.1.问候、打招呼及回应:good morning!good morning!hello!hello!2.介绍:i’m mike.this is jack.3.问某物是什么及回答what is this /that/it ?it is a duck.what are these?they are pictures.4.问某人姓名及回答what’s your name?my name is mike. 5.问物或人在哪儿及回答where is the pen?it’s on the desk.where is he?he is under the tree.6.问年龄how old are you ?i’m ten.how old is she?she's five.7.问数量及回答how many desks are there?there are six.8.问颜色及回答what colour is it ?it’s green.9.说有have you got a ruler?yes, i have.  /  no, i haven’t.has she got a dress?yes, she has. /  no, she hasn’t.10.喜欢与不喜欢i like milk.  i don’t like coffee.he likes singing.he doesn’t like dancing.do you like cooking?yes, i do. / no, i don’t.what’s your favourite colour?my favourite colour is yellow.11.问时间及回答what time is it?it’s half past seven,what day is (it) today ?it’s tuesday.what is the date today?



