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step 7 acting out the dialogue
in pairs act out the dialogue.
step 8 doing homework
a. read the comic strips and try to recite it.
b. try to revise the phrase and sentences in this period.
c. do translation:
1. 我的玩具飞机在哪儿? 
2. 你的妈妈怎样去上班? 乘坐地铁。
3. 我再也不想跟你玩了。 
4. 自从1909年人们就可以乘坐轻轨了。
5. 我们应该对父母要友善。

period 2 reading i
(times have changed)
teaching goals
● to recognize types of questions used in interview
● to recognize extended answers to raise questions
● to infer general meaning from the title and the context
● to guess meanings of specific words from the context
● to identify true or false statements based on the reading passage
teaching procedures
step 1 having a revision
talk about the transport at different times.
step 2 talking about pictures
(show two pictures to the students.)
picture 1: a small town with some restaurants, shops, a small post office and an old cinema. near the river, there was a steel plant.
talk about the picture, and teach the new words: restaurant, cinema, steel plant.
what do you think of the steel plant?
the factory often threw away useless things into the river in the past. (the factory used to dump the waste into the river.) the waste made the river dirty. (the waste polluted the river.) the government got to know the danger and it took action to get rid of the pollution to protect the river. (the government realized it was a serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution.)
it has changed a lot. what has it turned into?
picture 2: a town with a large shopping mall, a theater and a central park.
what do you think of the central park? 
it’s nice to have a large area without building. (it’s nice to have open space.) people can meet in the park to play cards and play the chinese chess. but people have to move out. so it’s hard for them to meet friends. maybe they will sometimes feel a little unhappy because of that. (they will feel a bit lonely from time to time.)
step 3 reading to find out the new words
there are some new words in the dialogue on page 8. but don’t be worried about their meaning. just read the dialogue for the first time to find out and circle all the words you don’t know.
now guess the meaning of the words from the context.
now go to page 10 to finish part b in pairs.
read the passage again, and then tell if the sentences in part c on page 10 are true or false.
step 4 finding and writing expressions
go over page 8 and 9 again to find out and write down all the useful expressions. make sentences of your own with them after class.



