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period 4 vocabulary
(words about computers)
teaching goals
●         to identify words about the computer
●         to understand the functions of different parts of a computer
●         to use appropriate nouns to talk about computer functions and applications
●         to describe the uses of different computer accessories
teaching procedures
step 1 having a free discussion
a: do you have a computer?
b: yes, i do.
a: what do you use it for?
b: i use it to search for information.
a: why?
b: because it’s fast and easy.
a: how often do you use it to search for information?
b: i use it to search for information every week.
work in pairs, and the underlined words can be replaced.
step 2 presenting
we have known that we can use computers for drawing and designing, playing games, writing computer program, etc. do you want to know more about the computers?
(show pictures in part a1 on page 46.) let’s learn the different parts of a computer. explain the parts one by one.
(addition words: floppy disk, program, hard disk, cursor)
step 3 practising
daniel is looking for some information about computers on the internet.
now i say a sentence, you tell me what it is or what it is used for.
1. you use this set of keys for typing. (keyboard)
2. sets of instructions that control your computer. (program)
3. a machine that puts your words and pictures onto paper. (printer)
4. you can se words and pictures on it. (screen)
5. you move it with your hand to move the cursor on the screen. (mouse)
step 4 practising
simon has bought a new computer. her cousin annie is asking him some questions about it. complete their conversation in part a2 on page 46, and then work in pairs to act it out.
step 5 playing a game
a computer bingo
you are to draw a grid of nine squares in their books. you then write the words from part a1 in the squares in any order. i will read out words from the list randomly and you are to keep a record of the ones i call out. you shall cross out the words when you hear them.
step 6 doing homework
a. read and learn these words and sentences by heart.
b. translation 
1. 打印机能把字和图片打印到纸上。
2. 我刚刚把信息储存到硬盘上。
3. 我的新电脑比旧电脑要快的多。
4. 你可以在屏幕上选择一个图标,然后点击它来获得更多的细节。
(keys: 1. a printer prints words and pictures on a piece of paper. 2. i have just saved this information in my floppy disk. 3. my new computer runs much faster than my old one. 4. you may get more detailed information by choosing a icon on the screen and clicking it.)



