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why did he feel nervous? ( because of the tv cameras.)
what was the result of the show? ( they had a lot of support from local businesses. )
do you think the show was a success?
step4 listening, reading and answering
do you want to know more about the successful charity show?
ask students to listen to the tape and read after it. then answer: what did ricky do before/in/after the show?
what ricky did for the charity show
                 started working on the show two months ago
before the show    practiced a lot
                  couldn’t sleep at all before the event

in the show → introduced each star, spoke loudly because of the noise from the fans
                 hope more events like this will be organized
after the show
                 wrote to kitty to tell her something about the charity show
in a word, ricky had many duties.
step5 reading and doing exercises
ask students to read the text aloud. then finish off part b on page 63 and part c on page 64. check the answers as a class.
step6 homework
a. listen and read after the tape five times.
b. finish the exercises in the evaluation handbook.

period 3: reading ii
teaching goals
● to speak out the passage in their own words, following the structure of the passages
● to explain the language points in the passages
teaching procedures
step 1 reading the passages together
help students to remember what we learnt last time by getting them to read the passages together loudly. (it is also good to choose some of the students to read the passage paragraph by paragraph.)
step2 rearranging the order
while ricky was working on the charity show, he was too busy to write in his diary. help him put his notes in order.
a. i couldn’t sleep at all because i was so excited.
b. many people donated money to project green hope.
c. we started working on the show.
d. the doors to the theatre opened.
e. i had to speak very loudly because of the noise.
f. the organizers chose me to be to the host.
step3 retelling
ricky was so busy these days that he didn’t write to kitty e__________. he was preparing for a c_________ show. they wanted to r________ money for project green hope. the o__________ chose him to be the host. at first he felt very n________ because of the tv c__________. they started w__________ on the show two months ago. his job was to i__________ each star. he also had many other d________. he practiced a lot. he had to r__________ to look at the right camera at the right time. everything became a little bit easier b________ he worked hard. he was so e__________ that he couldn’t sleep at all that night. at the charity show he told h_________ not to be nervous any more. the show was a great s__________. many people d_________ money. he hopes that they can have more e__________ like this to raise money for charities.



