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step 4 explaining the sentences
explain the sentences one by one and talk about the language points, by giving more examples.
1. on time/in time
it’s necessary for us to hand in our homework on time.
the patient should be treated in time.
2. because of/because
we didn’t go to the park because of the heavy rain.= we didn’t go to the park because it rained heavily.
3. everything seemed to happen so fast.= it seemed that everything happened so fast.
it seems to rain soon.=it seems that it will rain soon.
he seems (to be ) a nice man.= it seems that he is a nice man.
4. it was my job to introduce each star.= my job was to introduce each star.
5. work on
6. keep doing
7. in the beginning
8. a little bit easier
step 5 finishing the exercises
get the students to finish the following exercises without looking at the book to check if they have grasp the language points or remember the sentences.
feel happy, raise money for, because of, practice a lot, have many other duties, keep asking oneself, in the beginning, no time to be nervous, make noise, have a lot of support
1. don’t _______________. the baby is sleeping now.
2. _____________. i thought i would never win the drawing competition.
3. look! the students _____________________ spring bud project. they are selling their favourite toys.
4. ricky ______________ when the organizers chose him to be the host of the charity show.
5. hobo told eddie if he wanted to be a good host, he had to_________________.
6. “ will the charity show be successful?” he ____________ before the show started.
7. we chose jim to be our new chairperson. he ____________ from us and our teachers.
8. they had to stay at home___________ the bad weather.
9. i____________________ as a teacher. but my main job is to teach my students english well.
10. “ _____________________” i told myself before the show started.
step6 saying one’s own experience as a host
ask students to say something about their own experience as a host in a class or a school activity.
step7 homework
a. recite the three passages fluently.
b. finish the exercises in the evaluation handbook.

period 4: vocabulary
teaching goals
● to identify and use words and expressions related to the theatre.
teaching procedures
step1 having a revision and presenting
what did ricky and his classmates do for charity? ( they held a charity show. )
where did they hold the show? ( at a theatre. )
have you ever been to a theatre?



