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what’s in a theatre? ( stage, curtain, seats, microphone, speaker, lights, exit, entrance. )
how to arrange the things at a theatre? ( show students a picture of a theatre and the pictures of equipments at the theatre as well, ask students to put the right picture on the right place while talking about them. )
where should we hang the curtain? we should hang the curtain behind the stage.= the curtain should be hung behind the stage.
what about the microphone? we must set the microphone in the middle of stage.= the microphone must be set in the middle of the stage.
in these two sentences, we use modal verb (should, must ) + be done. what other modal verbs do you know? ( can, may, ought to )
step2 finishing off part b1
ask students to use the structure to go on with the discussion.: where to arrange the seats? where to put the sign “ exit”?  where to place lights / put the speaker? then ask them to tell the reasons.
e.g. ----where can we arrange the seats?
   ---- the seats can be arranged in front of the stage.
   ----because audience can sit there and enjoy the performance.
after making the dialogue in pairs, ask students to fill in the blanks in part b1, then check the answers as a class.
step3 making dialogues
ask students to make dialogues in different situations using passive voice with modal verbs.
e.g. as a host, what must be done before a show?
as an audience, what can’t be done during show?
   as a performer, what may be done after a show?
step4 doing additional exercise
1. 作业必须按时上交。(must be handed in )
2.应该有礼貌地跟老年人说话。(should be spoken to )
3. 他可能被邀请来参加我们的新年聚会。( may be invited )
4.格林先生能听懂汉语。( can be understood )
step5 homework
a. revise passive voice with modal verbs.
b. finish off the exercises in the evaluation handbook

period 6: grammar ii
teaching objectives
● to revise passive voice with modal verbs.
● to help students understand and use passive voice in the future tense.
● to help students understand and use passive voice in the present perfect tense.
teaching procedures
step1 having a revision and presenting
write the two sentences on the blackboard:
the host is called ricky.
ricky was chosen to be the host.
they are passive voice in the simple present tense and the simple past tense.
today we’ll learn passive voice in the future tense and the present perfect tense.
questions about reading:
what does ricky hope after the charity show?



