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scarf is used to taking a walk.(现在习惯于散步)
●used to 的用法
we used to go there every year. (我每年都去那儿。)
he is not what he used to be. (他已不是旧日的他了。)
this used to be a shabby house. (此房年久失修)
●used to,would这两个词语都可以表示过去常做某事,有时可以换用。
●used to do 强调整过去习惯性的行为或状态,但是现在没有这种行为或状态了。因此,这个短语的内涵是今昔对比。
step 8 homework
a. review what we have learnt.
b. finish off the exercises in the evaluation handbook
period 6 grammar ii
(using ‘so…that’ and ‘such…that’)
teaching goals
● to learn to use ‘so…that’ and ‘such…that’
teaching procedures
step 1 presenting
what do you want to be in the future? what do you think of the job of teaching?
i think educating students is a long process and it is very important. we must be patient enough.
that is to say educating students is so important that teachers must be patient enough. = educating students is such a long process that we must be patient enough.
we use ‘so…that’ or ‘such…that’ to show the result of something. we can use an adjective or an adverb between ‘so’ and ‘that’, and we use a noun or a noun phrase between ‘such’ and ‘that’.
step 2 practicing
shirley wants to be a doctor when she grows up. amy is now telling her what a doctor’s life is like. help her combine what she is saying with ‘so…that’ or ‘such…that’. (page 85)
step 3 doing an extension activity
look at these pictures. we are to make sentences using ‘so…that’ and ‘such…that’.
picture1: a little boy wants to get the apple on the table. but he is too short. →the little boy is so short that he can’t get the apple on the table. →he is such a little boy that he can’t get the apple on the table.→the little boy is too short to get the apple on the table.
step 4 coming to a summary
work out the rule about ‘so…that’ and ‘such…that’.
he is such a clever boy that everybody likes him.
he was such an honest man that he was praised by the teacher.
they are such interesting novels that i want to read them once again.


