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teaching procedures
step 1 questioning and answering
can you say something about the work of an orbis doctor or nurse?
where do they work?
are they afraid of flying?
what do they have to do before becoming orbis doctors or nurses? (trained as doctors or nurses. )
what kind of people are they? why? (they really care about others.)
what do you think of the work of an orbis doctor or nurse?
step 2 looking and saying
look at the pictures on page 89, and say something about mary’s work. these pictures show the story of someone who changed her job and lifestyle in order to do something she likes and is interested in.
now put the paragraphs in part a2 in the correct order according to the pictures in part a1.
answer the following questions:
what did mary use to be?
what did she do before becoming an orbis nurse?
what does she do for orbis now?
what does she think of her job
now read the passage aloud together.
step 3 retelling
retell the work of an orbis nurse called mary according to the pictures in part a1.
step 4 discussing
how do you feel about mary’s new lifestyle? would you change your lifestyles in order to help others? why or why not?
step 5 talking about the pictures about mandeep
we are now going to learn about someone who was helped by unicef. look at the pictures on page 90 and read the captions in part b1.
what did mandeep use to do?
what happened to her one day?
what does she do now?
what does she say?
what do you think of unicef?
step 6 finishing off part b2
write about mandeep’s life. you can use the outline in part b2 to help you. use your own imaginations to describe details, events and feelings. remember to make a flow chart before writing.
i will ask a few students to present their reports to the class.
step 7 homework
a. write an article about somebody’s life which has something to do with a charity.
b. finish off the exercises in the evaluation handbook.
period 10: checkout
(making people’s lives better)
teaching goals
●to revise the whole unit, focusing on grammar and vocabulary
teaching procedures
step 1 having a revision
what international charities do you know about?
which charity helps the blind with their eye problems?
where do the orbis doctors work?
what do they do? (operate on = perform/ do operations on the blind )
who is dr. ma?
where did he work in the past? (he used to work in a hospital.)
is he used to his life now?
how does he feel when he helps people in need? (proud )
how do their patients feel to them? (they are grateful to them. )
why? (because they do such an important job that people are grateful to them.= because their job is so important that people are grateful to them.)


