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now learn these words and expressions from this part.
train for…, a charity walk, support sb., support charities, need money, during walk, finish one’s walk
make sentences of your own with them.
step 2 listening and answering
what will hobo and eddie do to support charities?
what is hobo doing for charity walk?
is eddie willing to support charities?
what does he think of supporting charities?
what does eddie give hobo?
what does hobo need?
what does eddie think of hobo’s walk?
step 3 reading after the tape and discussing
read after the tape sentence by sentence.
is it possible for hobo to finish his walk?
why or why not?
what do we need during a charity walk?
step 4 questioning and answering
why are there some charities in the world? (because there are many people who need help.)
what kind of people need help? (the blind, the deaf, the disabled, the elderly, the homeless, the poor.)
look at the pictures on page 93. and read after me the words disabled, elderly, homeless, and deaf.
step 5 finishing off part a and b
now let’s go on to label the pictures in part a using the words from the box. 
ok. work in pairs to act out the conversation on page 93 by arm and daniel. 
how can we help people in need?
how can we help blind people/homeless people/deaf people…?
●for people in wheelchairs, wide sidewalks, ramps and automatic doors are helpful.
●for poor people, education programmes that allow them to get better jobs are helpful. free medical care and affordable housing are also helpful.
●blind people can benefit from braille signs, spoken announcements rather than written notices, contoured pavements and unobstructed sidewalks.
●elderly people can benefit from public transit that is easy to board, places to sit down outdoors and escalators or lifts instead of stairs.
●for homeless people, shelters and kitchens can offer short-term help.
●deaf people can benefit from written notices and a greater awareness of sign language.
make a similar conversation like this.
a: how can we help the poor?
b: we can help them become rich.
a: what about the elderly?
b: we can look after them after school in their homes.

step 6 doing an extension activity
you are to make a list of things you would find most difficult to do or you would miss if you were blind, deaf, elderly, homeless, physically disabled or poor.
make sure that you write a few sentences about a person who suffers from any of the conditions shown in the pictures. write your sentences from that person’s viewpoints.
step 7 homework


