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5B Unit7 A busy day

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5B   Unit7  A busy day


5B Unit7 A busy day

一、teaching demands:
(一) 情感目标
(二) 智育目标
1、掌握本单元四会单词half ,past
2、掌握本单元四会句型what time is it?
it’s … it’s time to … it’s timefor…
二、teaching points and difficulties:
三、teaching tools:
四、teaching procedures:
step1. warming up
1. sing a song “ten little indian boys”
2. count numbers:boys and girls, let’s count numbers. ok? please remember
your number. are you ready? good. let’s go.
3. greetings
4. freetalk:①t : what’s your number?    
s1:i’m number …
how about you?
②.look, it’s time. can you read this time? what time is it?
③. what time is it? (时间卡片快速呈现,学生正确回答)
④.hello, …,what time do you get up? what time do you have
lunch?⑤.ok. now boys and girls ,look, it’s our tible.
what time is it?                     ss:it’s 6:30.
it’s time to…                      ss:get up.
(学生看多图快速说出it’s… it’s time to…的句型)
step2.presentation and practice
1. i get up at 6:10, we also say :ten past six
teach: past      six ten        ten past six 
2. what time is it? can you call the time?  (7:10)
①. what time is it?(小黑板呈现一组时间)
②. how about these ones? (小黑板呈现另一组时间)
③.what time is it?
let’s ask him or her together. (小黑板呈现另一组时间)
4. next,boys and girls, let’s count time one minute(分钟)by one
minute. 1:20 1:21 1:22 1:23……1:30
t: ok.it’s one thirty,we can’t say 30 past 1.
we should say :half pastsix.
teach :half
5.(教师拿出一个纸钟对折)look at my paper clock,this is a half. a half, a half ,a halfand a half is one.
practice: can you read the time? practice with your partner.
(呈现一组训练half past的时间)
6.1. the same way to teach :quarter
 boys ask ,girls answer,and then exchange.


5B   Unit7  A busy day
