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5A Unit7 After school第一课时(B、C、D部分)

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5A Unit7 After school第一课时(B、C、D部分)


5A Unit7 After school第一课时(B、C、D部分)

能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a newspaper, a picture book, chess, play with
能听懂、会说、会读词组read a magazine, play with a yo-yo, play with marbles
能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型is he/she doing…? no, he/she is not. he/she is…are they doing…?no, they aren’t. they are…
is he/she doing…? no, he/she is not. he/she is…
are they doing is he/she doing…? no, he/she is not. he/she is…
are they doing…?no, they aren’t. they are… ?no, they aren’t. they are… 的运用。
step 1 revision
1. motivation
sing the song “ what are you doing?”
2. catch an eye: show the pictures of activities learnt in units 3 & 6:
ask: what is he/she doing? what are they doing?
3. t: what can you do? what can he/she do?
ss: i can…he/she can…
t: do you like swimming/skating, etc?
ss: yes, i do.no, i don’t. i like…
step 2 a game
t: ask a student to come over to the teacher’s desk, ask him to make actions: sing a song without any sounds.
what is he doing?
ss: is he …?
t: yes, he is. no, he’s not. he’s…
ss make other actions and the others guess.
step 3presentation
1. t: show the ss a newspaper and ask: what’s this? it’s a newspaper.
se the same way to teach the ss: read a picture book
2. t: show the ss a yo-yo: what’s this in english?
ss: it’s a yo-yo.
t: can you play with a yo-yo?
ss: yes, i can.
t: come and show us how to play with a yo-yo.
what is he doing?
ss: he’s playing with a yo-yo.
t: show some marbles: what are these? they are some marbles.
do you like playing with marbles?
s: yes, i do.
t: come here and play with marbles.
is he playing with a yo-yo?
ss: no, he’s not. he’s playing with marbles.
把用play with的词组放到一起进行教学,便于操练和学生掌握。
3. t: show the ss a box of cards: look, here’s a box of cards. can you play with cards?
two students: no, we can’t.
t: what can you do?
ss: we can play chess.
t: show a box of chess: look, here’s a box of chess too. come and play here.
are they playing cards?
ss: no, they aren’t. they are playing chess.
step 4practice
1. t: show the ss small pieces of paper with different names on one side, and actions the other side, let the ss guess.
what is ...doing?
ss: is he /she….?
t: look, no, he’s/she’s not. he’s/she’s…
ss: are they …?
t: look, no, they aren’t. they are…



5A Unit7 After school第一课时(B、C、D部分)
