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Unit 6 A PE lesson

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Unit 6 A PE lesson


Unit 6 A PE lesson

一.free talk.
1. what day is it today? it’s…
2. what lessons do you have on …? we have…
3. what subject do you like? i like…
4. do you like playing games? yes, i do. ok. let’s play a game.
1. lead in.
(1) t: now, let’s do some exercise first.
① show this card
② learn the word: “exercise”
③ practise the word and the phrase.
(拼读exercise、开火车、集体拼读、同桌拼读、集体操练do exercise)
(2) t: ok. let’s do some exercise.
i give orders and you try to follow the orders.
① show these two phrases.
② learn the word: orders
③ practise the word and the phrase.
(拼读orders、开火车、集体拼读、同桌拼读、集体操练give orders、follow the orders )
2. play the game.
(1) t: now, boys and girls, let’s play the game. are you ready?
   s: yes.
   t: listen carefully. i give orders, and you try to follow the orders.
“touch your nose!”   “touch your shoulders with your hands!”
“touch your head with your fingers three times!”
“stand up!”  “sit down!”
(the students follow the orders.) 
t: very good.
(teacher write “up” and “down” on the blackboard. )
t: please follow me. up-up-up, down-down-down. (use body language)
(2) t: i give orders again now. please pay attention!
   “hand up!”“hand down!”
   “hands up!”   “hands down!”
   “left hand up!”“left hand down!”
   “right hand up!”   “right hand down!”
② work in pairs.
   t: one gives orders, and the other one follows the orders.
   “left hand up!”“right hand up!”“hands up!”
(3) let’s go on the game.
①let one student gives orders.
t: who can give orders? s: i can.
t: ok, he gives orders, and i follow the orders.
t: now, he gives orders, and we follow the orders together.
   “stand up!”“sit down!”
“left hand up!”“right hand up!”   “hands down!”
   t: put your hands on your head!
 (teacher do this action and the students follow the teacher.)
 put your hands on your shoulders!
 put your hands on your ears!
 put your hands on your head and turn left and right.
   put your hands on your head and turn left and right. do this three times.
③ learn and pracise: feet.
   t: i do the action, please say the orders, ok?
(write “left foot” and “right foot” on the blackboard)
  left foot + right foot = feet


Unit 6 A PE lesson
