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Unit 8 At the weekends(牛津5B全英教案)

(1)    how does mike spend his weekends? (2)    how does wang bing spend his weekends? (3)    how does yang ling spend her weekends? (4)    how does su hai spend her weekends? (5)    how does su yang spend her weekends?        b:t:now take out this paper. please read after me.        c:now i’ll give you 1 minute, please read by yourselves.        d:can you read by yourselves? ②t:ok. boys and girls. look1 here’s a forest. there are some insects inside. they are talking about the weekends. can you image what they are saying now? i’ll give you 2 minutes, make a dialogue by yourself. do it now please1 ③t:now, let’s have a rest. let’s do some exercises. take out your paper. fill in the blanks. please listen carefully,      and write the answer down. ④t:now, let me see which group is the winner ⑤t:today i’m very glad to be your teacher, and i know a lot about you. i hope i’ll          have chance to come to she yang and see you again1    step 4: homework 1.copy the new sentences. 2.make up a new dialogue and act it out. 3.listen to the tape three times. step 5:blackboard designing unit 8   at the weekends how do you spend your weekends? ii often catch insects. how does she spend her weekends? she often… how does he spend his weekends? he often… the second period

 (teaching aims):

1.words: catch ,  catch  butterflies,  watch cartoons, go climbing,sport,

2.sentences: how does …spend his / her weekends?

           he/she often…

           sometimes he/she…

 (teaching importance):

1. catch butterflies,  watch cartoons, go climbing,sport

2. how does …spend his / her weekends?

  he/she often…

  sometimes he/she…

 (teaching difficulties):to use the sentences skillfully

step 1  warming up

1.       talk about hobbies.

do you have any hobbies?

yes, i do. i like taking photos/collecting stamps/making model ships/making clothes/playing basketball.

do you do it  every weekend/

yes, i do./no, i don’t.

2.       talk about their weekends.

i often watch tv. sometimes i go shopping.

how do you spend your weekends?



