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5A Unit 1 The first day at school

常州市实验小学 倪燕萍

 5a unit 1 the first day at school (1)一 教学内容   《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书牛津小学英语》5a第一单元第一教时(look, read and learn 和ask and answer)。二 教学目标 1 认知目标:能正确地听、说、读词汇first,reading room, table tennis, toilet, garden, swing, slide能正确地听、说、读、写词汇 any能正确地听、说、读、写句型is there a …? yes, there is. / no, there isn’t.                     are there any…? yes, there are. / no, there aren’t.2 功能目标:能正确地运用there be句型问答和表述身边的事物。3 情感目标:在学习的过程中加深学生对学校的了解并激发学生爱校的情感。三 教学重点能正确理解、掌握句型,并能流利的进行对话和运用。四 教学难点   能正确地听、说、读、写there be…句型的一般疑问句形式,肯定和否定回答及名词复数形式。五 教学准备1.b, c部分的教学图片。2.板书。3.多媒体课件。六 教学过程a  free talk and revision1.    (可使用课件标题)nice to see you again, boys and girls. welcome back to school. this is the first lesson of the new term.在与学生的问候中,引出生词first.在老师列举几个词例,如:… is the first student of our class, …is the first number 让学生举出一些词例(可使用课件第二页)。2.    today we will learn something about our school. there’s a big playground in our school. there are some trees in our school. could you please tell me what is in our school? (在老师和板书的引导下学生用 there be 句型说说学校里有什么?)there’s a … there are …b  presentation and practice1.    在学生说出很多关于学校的人或物,如:offices, flowers, classrooms, teachers, desks, chairs … 后,引入新课(可使用课件is there a garden in our school?)。t: is there a garden in our school? s: yes, there is.新授gardent: please say something about our garden. 学生用已学过的词汇形容学校的花园:big, nice, beautiful…t: is there a slide in the garden?   are there any swings in it? (可使用课件swing, slide图片)在there be句型的问答中新授swing 和slide(可使用课件slide).2.    t: in our school, there are three buildings and there are lots of rooms in them. there are classrooms, offices. are there any other rooms?新授table tennis room 和 reading room(可使用课件).t: and there is one more place. it’s important for every one. every one goes there every day. what is it? 学生说出卫生间。新授toilet(可使用课件). 老师还可以教一下restroom 和 washroom 这些更为常用的单词。c  consolidation  1.(可使用课件图片及句型) 练习there be 问答句型。



