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5B Unit 3 Hobbies

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5B Unit 3 Hobbies


5B Unit 3 Hobbies

   1、 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇:hobby(hobbies),collect, stamp, go shopping , take photos , grow flowers , make clothes , make model ships 。
do you have any hobbies ? yes , i do . i like---. she/he likes---, too .
3、能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式 she/he likes---。
1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇:hobby(hobbies) , collect stamps, ,  go shopping , take photos , make clothes , make model ships , grow flowers 。
do you have any hobbies? yes, i do. i like …she/he likes …too。
3、能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式 she/he likes---。
step 1  warm up.
1. chant and act.
2.teacher says and the ss act. how do you feel now?
 i feel happy.why?because i like english.i like having english lessons.
3.act: i like singing. i like dancing. oh, likes singing. likes dancing.
 i like singing. so singing is my hobby.
 learn: hobby ---- hobbies
 singing is my hobby.my bobby is singing. 's hobby is dancing. so we all have bobbies.
step 2  presentation ⅰ
1.t:look,what are those?ss: they’re stamps .
 learn : stamp ----stamps---- collect---- collect stamps---
i like collecting stamps.---chinese stamps and foreign stamps
2.t: what can you see in the stamps? ss: some flowers .
  t:so they’re flower stamps.
  t: how about these flower stamps? ss: they’re beautiful.
learn : beautiful ---- flower stamps--- these flower stamps are beautiful.
3.t:what stamps are these? ss:they’re animal stamps
4.t:is that a flower stamp? it’s a ship stamp.
 t: do you like collecting stamps?s: no,i don’t.but my likes collecting stamps.
 t: show us his stamps,please.
5. likes collecting stamps. many people like collecting stamps.please open your english books,turn to page 22. listen to the tape,and answer these questions:
① what's ben's hobby ?
②how about ben's stamps ?
③does ben's brother like collecting stamps?
5.read: read after the tape .
step 3   presentation ⅱ
  1.do you have any hobbies ? yes ,i do. i like ___ing …….
   (let the ss say what their hobbies are)show some cards.
take photos     grow flowers  i like taking photos.
  2.what’s his /her bobby? he/she likes ____ing …….


5B Unit 3 Hobbies
