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Unit  7  When is your  birthday?

unit  7  when is your  birthday?

teaching content:
 part  a

teaching aims:
1. tell the children to cherish time.
2.can listen and say the sentences of part a.
3.knowledge : when is your  birthday? it’s on the fifth of march.

teaching emphasis and difficulties:
1. when is your  birthday? it’s on the fifth of march.  fifth  fourth
2.perform the dialogue of part a.
teaching aids :
pictures , cards, recorder, tape  .

teaching methods:
1.tasks teaching method.
2.audio-lingual method.
3.communicative method.

teaching procedures:
step 1 lead in
1.greetings .
2.warm up:
1. 师声问候。
2.a game: making friends  

step 2 presentation
1.游戏—— quick response (快速反应)
t: great! he/ she is no.1, the first. 同时教学fifth, fourth, …
2.教学单词和句型:when is your  birthday? it’s on the fifth of march.
4.listen to part a 、b and read after the tape.

step 3 practice
1.read and perform part a.
2. ask and answer with the sentence pattern: when is your  birthday? it’s on the fifth of march.

step 4 consolidation
1. read and perform part a.
2.sum up: 对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生说的欲望。
3.homework :
read part a and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .
make some sentences with the sentence pattern.

blackboard design:
unit  7  when is your  birthday?
fifth     fourth
when is your  birthday?
 it’s on the fifth of march.

period 3
teaching aims:
1. enable the ss retell the text;
2. enable the ss finish part d and part e.
3. tell the children to love their mother.
teaching emphasis
   enable the ss finish part d and part e.
teaching difficulties:
there are some new words in the ex.
teaching tools:
tape, recorder, vcd
teaching methods:
1. tasks approach
2.audio-lingual method.
3. communicative method.
teaching steps:
step 1 warming up
1. greetings.
2. read part a together.
3. ask 2 ss to retell the text.
step 2 presentation and drill
1. t: now please finish part d:
   s:… is my father’s birthday. on my father’s birthday, i drew him a picture…
2. check the answer.
step 3 practice
 1.part e: let’s look and do.
  2. sing the song “the more we get together.”
step 4 consolidation
1.do ex. workbook unit 7.



