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6A Unit 6 Holidays教案

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6A Unit 6 Holidays教案


6A Unit 6 Holidays教案

s: spring festival/春节  比较:festival and holiday  (spell festival)

 揭示课题: unit 6  holidays 

3.  i like spring festival. do you know when’s spring festival ? (边板书)

what do people usually do at spring festival?

let’s watch.  (看前半部分光碟后回答此问题)

   they usually…anything more? (新授词组have a big dinner with their family, eat lots of delicious food,  visit their relatives and friends….)

3.      t: great! then what did suhai do last spring festival?

of course i did. that means she visited / ate…

step three:

4.  at the beginning it said the teacher and the students getting very excited .

why ?

s: because today is the 18th of december. christmas is coming.

  (learn the new word: christmas 单词条,读完即放下)

t: christmas is a big and important holiday in western countries. do you like christmas?  when’s christmas, do you know?                                              

s: it’s on the 25th of december.

   t:what holiday comes after christmas? what’s the chinese meaning of new year’s day? when’s new year’s day?

do you know what did david do last new year’s day?

now open your books, let’s read this part. ---he had a big lunch…

5. t: we know they are talking about holidays. but what’s ben’s favourite holidays? what’s yangling’s favourite holiday? (显示问题) let’s read their talking.

 …(出示halloween, mid-autumn festival   教halloween和mid-autumn festival )ask: when’s halloween? we’ve learnt in grade 5. –dress up

  t: when’s mid-autumn festival? what do people usually do at mid-autumn festival? now open your books ,let’s read the right half.


  t: when’s mid-autumn festival this year?

did you…this mid-autumn festival?  yes, i did. no, i didn’t.

6. now let’s go back to our text. read the whole text again, and this time, try to match: what did the students do on different holidays last year? (显示练习)

please answer(学生完成练习并口头汇报)(强调: had, visited, went, watched)

说明:教师选取spring festival作为自己最喜爱的节日,利用ppt引起学生关注,看看老师在自己最喜欢的节日中做了些什么,引出新词。再用本课时的主要句型和过去时态进行谈论巩固单词,比较自然,同时可以启发学生对于春节的回忆,为最后谈论自己在春节做了什么做铺垫。


6A Unit 6 Holidays教案
