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Unit 3 What are you going to do?

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Unit 3 What are you going to do?


Unit 3 What are you going to do?

topic :unit 3 what are you going to do?
  by lv xiuming
teaching aims :
1.能够读懂let’s read 中的段落,并根据段落内容写出提纲式的liu yun’s weekend plan 。
key points :
本课的教学重点是阅读段落并根据段落内容进行第三人称的转述,掌握第三人称时be going to do 句型的用法。
difficult aids :
    2. 英语小作文书写。
teaching aids :
cards. tape .bb
teaching steps :
step 1. warm up
1. sing a song .
2. daily questions
t: what day is it today ? s: it’s thursday .
t: what day is it tomorrow ? s: it’s friday .
t: what do you usually do on the weekends / in the evening ?
s: i usually read books ….
step 2. preview
t: we have so many classes in a week . what classes do we have on mondays.
ss: on mondays ,we have english ,chinese , math …
t: what are you doing now ?
s: we’re having an english class .
t: what classes are you going to have this morning /afternoon ?
s: i’m going to …
step 3. practise
model : a: what are you going to have …?
 b: i’m going to have …
show the sentence pattern on the blackboard .
have them get ready and act out in pairs.
step 4. presentation
t: as we all know , the national day is coming . i have a friend in shanghai . what is she going to do ?now, listen carefully and find out .
i am a girl from shanghai .i’m so happy ,because i’m going to beijing on the national holiday . i’m going by plane with my mom and dad !they are going to buy a new computer for me . i can’t wait .
ask some questions
1) where is she going ?    2) how is she going there ?
3) who is she going with ?  4) is she happy ?
5) what is she going to buy ?
step 5. let’s sing .
step 6. presentation ( a passage )
t: what are you going to do on saturday ?
s: …
t: oh, you have a busy saturday .liu yun too .
step 7. read and act .
1.play the tape and let them answer questions
1)what is liu yun going to do on saturday ?
2)what is she going to buy ?
3)what is she going to do at home ?
4)what is she going to do on sunday ?
5)who is she going with ?
6)what is she going to do in the evening ?
7)what is her weekend like ?
2.read after the tape .
4.read one by one .
step 8. consolidation and extension
explain the tense
it’s form :be going to …
step 9. do some exercises
blackboard design:
sentence pattern  questions   grammars


Unit 3 What are you going to do?
