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牛津小学英语2B Unit 8 第一课时

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牛津小学英语2B Unit 8 第一课时


牛津小学英语2B Unit 8 第一课时

breakfast time.what about your breakfast time? answer: my breakfast time is ______ . 7:15  seven fifteen7:30  seven thirty 通过学生看一看,说一说的活动,培养学生初步运用所学知识的能力。     顺势拓展几点15分,几点30分的说法。22.               questions and answerswhat time is your lunch time? my lunch time is ____ .(pair work) 教师小结并继续介绍说:o.k. i see. your breakfast time is about from 7:00 to 7:30. because your school time is 7:45.do you know the “school time”?了解school time 的意思 please look at this picture. do you know what time is it now? and what time is my lunch timediscuss: what time is your lunch time? 在上面看提示说出: my breakfast time is____. 的基础上,现在要求学生根据自己的实际情况运用所学词汇,句子,进行问答,并进行宽度拓展:school time, lunch time23.               questions and answerswhat time is your lunch time? my lunch time is ____ .(pair work) 教师小结并继续介绍说:o.k. i see. your breakfast time is about from 7:00 to 7:30. because your school time is 7:45.do you know the “school time”?了解school time 的意思 please look at this picture. do you know what time is it now? and what time is my lunch timediscuss: what time is your lunch time? 在上面看提示说出: my breakfast time is____. 的基础上,现在要求学生根据自己的实际情况运用所学词汇,句子,进行问答,并进行宽度拓展:school time, lunch time3group work 教师小结说;i see. your lunch time is from11:45 to 12:45. please look at the picture3 and say:    it’s ___ o’clock.   miss fang has_____ .   ____ o’clock is miss fang’s    ____ time. 培养学生主动、灵活使用语言的能力 activity 2listening and matching 1、教学辅助(aids)1)电脑(2b-u8-6)2)屏幕 2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1questions and answers多媒体画面上出现了3张小桌子,在桌子上分别放着早餐,中餐和晚餐并有不同的钟面和具时间特征的背景图,这时飞来了嘴里分别含着breakfast, lunch and dinner名称的3只不同颜色的小鸟,它们边飞, 小朋友边跟着老师问:ss: yellow bird, yellow bird, where do you live? yellow bird: it’s seven o’clock i’m hungry. i like milk and cake.  ss:   oh, you live in here.生动形象的画面为学生创设了良好的语言学习的环境。 不同的时间,不同的食物,不同的背景提示,让学生知道时间与一日三餐的内在关系,并让小朋友知道有规律地用餐对他们的健康有利。2listen and matchthe red bird is coming. the can you find his house ? please listen and tell me the number. 请学生为红鸟找到自己的“家”第3只蓝鸟可采用同样教法。通过让学生帮助小鸟第2只,第3只小鸟找到他们的家等一系列活动,读读单词,认认字形来培养学生最基本的阅读能力。


牛津小学英语2B Unit 8 第一课时
