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牛津小学英语 6A Unit 3 It was there! 单元归纳

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牛津小学英语 6A Unit 3 It was there! 单元归纳


牛津小学英语 6A Unit 3 It was there! 单元归纳

a. listen, read and say1.      sports day 体育节/ may day 劳动节 / mother’s day 母亲节

a: what day is (it) today?

b: it is…. (it指时间,不要译)

2.      all the students = all of the students

all the workers = all of the workers

3.      (sb.) be excited (人)激动的

the man was excited just now.

(sth.) be exciting (事)令人激动的

watching a running race is exciting.

4.      watch a running race

5.      take photos

6.      look for her camera

7.      it isn’t there. (一般现在时)

it wasn’t there. (一般过去时)

8.      a moment ago 刚才 = just now (用于过去时)

there was a flower on the table a moment ago.

9.      let me see.

10.  in my pocket

11.  pick sth. up for sb. 为某人捡起某物 (动副结构)

pick them up for me

pick the book up for him = pick up the book for him

12.  on the ground

b. look, read and learn1.      a mobile phone

2.      a pair of …

a pair of glasses  / a pair of trousers

two pairs of glasses

3.      diary 日记,日记本 ---- diaries (复数)

4.      a cd walkman  / some cd walkmans

5.      film胶卷 a roll of film  / two rolls of film

电影 a film  / two films

6. earphones (常用复数)

c. look and say1. a: where is your…?

b: it’s on/ in/ near / behind / under the….

  a: it isn’t there now.

  b: it was there a moment ago/ just now.

2. a: where are your…?

b: they’re on/ in/ near / behind / under the….

  a: they aren’t there now.

  b: they were there a moment ago/ just now.

3. 表示方位的介词:on 在…上/ in 在…里/ near 在…附近/ behind 在…后/ under 在…下 ….



牛津小学英语 6A Unit 3 It was there! 单元归纳
