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6b unit3

牛津小学英语 6bunit 3  asking the way一.单元教学目标和要求:1 、  能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词stop,turn left/right, post office, get on/off, along, street.2、 能听得懂,会说,会读单词和词组city, crossing, away, suddenly, shout, thief, shopping centre, middle school, out of, train station, history museum.3 、能听得懂,会说且会读日常交际用语:go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. how far is it from here? it’s about one kilometre away. you can take bus no.5. how many stops are there? how can i go to the shopping centre?4、能听得懂,会说,会读,会写句型:can you tell me the way to… please?5、了解字母组合ou在单词中的读音.6、会唱歌曲:excuse me!二.单元功能性目标:1、通过学习,使学生能够围绕“问路”这一话题展开各项语言活动;2、引导学生理解和运用所学知识,提高学生实际运用语言的能力。三.本单元教学重点:四会单词和句型的掌握。四.本单元教学难点:问路中涉及的相关用语和地名的表达。五.课时分配:5课时 the first period (part b and c) 一.        教学目标和要求:1、  能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词:stop,turn left/right, post office, get on/off, along, street.2、能听得懂,会说,会读单词和词组:city, crossing,   shopping centre, middle school, train station, history museum3、能听得懂,会说和会读日常交际用语:go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. you can take bus no.5  how can i go to the shopping centre?4、能听得懂,会说,会读,会写句型:can you tell me the way to…, please?5、能根据图片提供的情景进行描述。二.        教学重点和难点:1、四会单词和句型的掌握。2、能熟练运用本课所学的单词和句型进行问路的情景对话。三.课前准备:单词卡片,地图,多媒体课件等。四.教学过程:step  1  free  talk:t:what day is it today?     what is the date today?     what’s the weather like today? t: spring is coming. i went to zhong shanling with my family yesterday. it is very beautiful there now. do you know where it is? (出示地图)s1:  it’s in the east of nanjings2:  it is near my uncle’s house.s3:  it’s a large , green garden.t: oh, that’s very good. but how can we get there? can you tell us?s: sorry.t: let me show you. step  2  presentation:t: boys and girls, look at the map of nanjing.  and my house is here.  i live in qingliangmen.  if i want to go to zhongshanling, i can  take  bus no 9 .(指着地图):but if i get off at zhongshanmen. we can see nanjing history museum(课件:南京博物院). teach: get off , get on, a history museum (课件)t: look at the picture, what is in front of the history museum?s: it’s a post office(课件).teach: a post officet: hello, everyone. here is a riddle. please listen. this is a building. there’re a lot of things in it. they’re new shoes , beautiful clothes , radios ,mobile phones and so many other things. please guess what it is? s: …    t: great, it is a shopping centre (放大:商店)teach :a shopping  centret(指着地图上的中、小学): look,  we  can  see  a  middle  school  and  a  primary  school,  too.(中学和小学)teach: a middle school       a primary schoolt:look at the map.  if i want  to  walk  to  zhongshanling.  can you  tell  me  the  way ,  please?(请学生说或老师叙述):go along huju road,  turn  left at  the  second  crossing.  go  along  hanzhong  road  and  east  zhongshan  road,  and  then  turn  left  at  the  fourth  crossing,  zhongshanling  is  here. teach:  along, road,  turn  left/rightstep 3  look,  read  and  learn:(出示b部分图)t: look, yang  ling  is  showing  a  map  of  the  town  to  her  friend  andy.  now, she  is  at  the gate of the history  museum.  how  can  she  get  to  the  train  station?teach:  a train station   in  pairs(一人扮yang  ling,一人扮路人):excuse  me,  can  you  tell  me  the  way  to  the  train  station, please?(板书)…step  4  look  and  say:(课件出示c部分内容,点小图可以放大)look at  the  pictures and  talk  with  your  partner.the sentences  in  the  box  will  help  you.excuse  me,  can  you  tell  me  the  way  to…,  please?go along  this  street,  and  then  turn…  at  the …  crossing.the …  is  on  your….that’s all right.practice in pairs.check up. (1). excuse me, can you tell me the way to the park, please?go along this street, and then turn right at the second crossing. the park is on your left.thank you.     that’s all right.ask the students to practice in pairs.  (2) excuse me, can you tell me the way to the shopping center, please?go along this street, and then turn left at the fourth crossing. it’s on your right.thanks.that’s ok.  (3) excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus station, please?go along this street, and then turn left at the third crossing. it’s on your left.thank you very much.you’re welcome.  (4) excuse me , can you tell me the way to wc, please?go along this street, and then turn left at the first crossing. it’s on your right.thanks a lot.that’s all right.  step 5 a game:     ask two students to come to the front. one student acts the policeman to show the way. the other one looks for the place.  (将全班按座位划分区域,让学生给每一个区域一个名字,如:history museum, police station, cinema, park…)step 6   assign homework:1、read and copy the new words and expressions.2 、make a diloague.3.say sth. about the way to a place. 板书:unit 3  asking  the  wayget on/off    turn  right/left a shopping  centre      a  history  museum  a post  office           a  train  stationa primary  school        a  middle  school excuse  me,  can  you  tell  me  the  way  to…,  please?go  along  this  street,  and  then  turn…  at  the …  crossing.the …  is  on  your….that’s  all  right. the second period (part a)一、教学目标和要求:1.   能正确地听、说、读、写句型:can  you  tell  me  the  way  to  …, please?2. 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型:go  along  this  street,  and  then  turn  right  at  the third  crossing.how  far  is  it  from  here?3.  能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能初步朗读、初步表演对话。4.  能运用本课所学语言进行“问路”的对话交际。二、教学重点:能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。三.教学难点:能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能在掌握对话的基础上运用本课语言进行“问路”的对话交流。四.教学准备挂图,录音机,多媒体课件五.教学过程:step 1   play a  game:1.listen and do“听命令,做动作”:turn  left/right….2.listen and say.t: i will say :one /two…      you should say: the first /the second…step 2   listen and write:  (课件:一张简易地图,在图中注明某个公交线路的几个车站)t: hello, boys and girls, i’m new here.can you tell me the way to the bus stop?s:   let me try. go along this street, and then turn left at the first crossing, the bus stop is on your right.t:  how far is it from here?s:  it’s about …teach: one kilometre awayt:  i want to go to the shopping centre. which bus can i take?s:  you can take bus no. 13.t:  how many stops are there?s:  six.teach: stopstep 3 presentation and practice:(出示22页课文图1)t: look, mr. smith wants to visit the history museum.  which bus can he take?(图上有5路车)s:  he can take bus no.  5.t:  how many stops are there?  let’s listen.listen  to  the  tape(第一部分).ask and answer:(教师问,学生答)1. how many stops are there?2. where does mr. smith come from?3. where’s he living?4. can you tell mr. smith the way to the history museum?5. how far is it from here?t:  where is the bus stop?  let’s listen.listen  to  the  tape(第二部分)  (出示22页课文图2)ask and answer (学生问,学生答)1. where’s the bus stop?2. mr. smith wants to go to the post office, too. where is it?3. how can mr. smith get there?step 4 listen, read and sayt:  open your books.listen to the tape and repeat.in  groups:  分角色朗读对话。step 5 fill in the blanks完成课文对话后的填空练习并反馈。step 6 think and draw:小组活动:四人小组,共同根据课文画出mr. smith要去的两个地点的路线图,进一步理解课文。step 7 consolidation“问路”活动:为教室内的几条过道起好路名,送礼物给你的朋友,开展“问路”活动。板书:excuse me,  where  is…?can you tell me the way to…?                   how to get to… ?                  which way is to… ?can you show me the way to …?step 8  homework1、listen and read the text ;2.copy the text;3.make a dialogue about asking the way . 板书:  unit  3  asking  the  waycity, crossing, away, excuse me, where is…?can you tell me the way to…?                  how to  get  to… ?                  which way is to… ?can you show me the way to …?  the third period (part d and f)一.教学目标和要求:1.通过复习,学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的与问路有关的词汇。2.能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。3. 进一步掌握句型:can  you  tell  me  the  way…?  how can i …?及其问答。二.教学重点:1.熟练地掌握与问路相关的词汇。2.能综合运用本单元所学过的单词、句型和日常交际用语。3.能灵活运用所学对话。三.教学准备:挂图,录音机,多媒体课件四.教学过程:step  1  free talk.1.t: can you tell me the way to the nearest bus stop?  s:…t: how far is it from here?t:i like doing shopping. where is the shopping centre in nanjing?s: i want to buy some clothes. how can i get to the shopping centre?2. acting.(检查反馈学生的自编对话)step 2  read and talkt: andy is yang ling’s penfriend. now he is in china. he is on holiday in nanjing. he wants to visit some places and he also wants to buy something.     ask the students to read the dialogue by themselves.t:  can you ask any questions?请学生根据对话自己设计问题。for example:1.what does andy want to do?2.where  is  the  shopping  centre?3.how can  andy  get  to  the  shopping  centre?4.how  far  is  it?read  the  dialogue  together.step  3  make  dialogues:出示f部分图。(分层次出现)t:  look  at  this  map.  please  choose  a  place  on  the  map,  ask  your  partner  how  to  get  there.  use the dialogues as d.acting .step  4  play  a  gamet:  look at this map again.  listen and guess. now andy is at the hotel. he is going along guangzhou road, turning right at nanjing road. then he is going along nanjing road. the place is on his left. where is he now?s: he is at the bookshop now.t:  now,  play   the  game  with our classmates.step  5  assign  homework:1.  copy the dialogue.2.   recite the text in part a.  板书:unit  3  asking  the  wayi  want  to  buy  …  for…how  can  i  get  to…?it’s  …it’s  about…you  can  take…  and  get  off…where  am  i  now?    the fourth period (part e, g and h)一.教学目标和要求:1. 能听得懂,会说和会读单词和词组 suddenly, shout, thief,  out of.2.  了解字母组合ou在单词中的读音.3.  会唱歌曲:excuse me!4.  进一步复习、巩固本单元的单词、词组和句型。二.教学重点和难点:部分动词的不规则变化形式。三.教学准备录音机,多媒体课件三.        教学过程:step  1  sing  a  song:t:  first, let’s  listen  to  a  song  excuse  me.listen  to  the  tape.open  the  books,  try  to  catch  the  meaning  of  this  song.listen  again,  try  to  sing  the  song.sing  it  together. step  2  revision:show them a picture of  f and review the new words.a shopping centre, a middle school, a history museum, a post office, a primary school, a train station, a hotel….step  3  ask  and  answer:t: look! i am here. can you tell me the way to…,please?s: go along…. turn… step  4  read and number:出示e部分图:(三个人图)(背景音乐)t:  yang  ling  and  andy  are  visiting  nancy.  she  is  telling  them  what  happened  last  sunday  afternoon.  please  read  her  story with your classmates loudly.ask  the  students  to  read  the  story  by  themselves  and  number.check  up:2  4  6  3  5  1teach  : suddenly, shout, thief,  out ofread:  see-saw   steal-stole   run-ran  come-came tell-told   get-got  read  the  passage  again,  try  to  ask  and  answer  some  questions:1.where  was  yang  ling  last  sunday  afternoon?2.which  kind  of  books  did  she  want  to  buy?3.who  was  behind  yang  ling?4.what  did  the  man  do?5.who  stopped  the  thief?6.who  ran  faster,  the  thief  or  the  policeman?describe the pictures in groups.step  5  listen  and  repeat:t: yang  ling  shouted:”  stop  thief!  stop  thief!”出示g图:t:  look!  the woman is shouting.  what did  she  say  to  the  boy?s:  get  the  mouse  on  my  blouse  out  of  the  house.read  and  compare:blouse  house  mouse  out小结划线部分的共同发音。listen to  the  tape  and  repeat.t;还有那些单词中字母组合ou发/  /?  还有哪些字母组合发/  /?step  6  assign  homework:1.  listen and read the dialogues in this unit.2.  sing the song:excuse  me.3.   copy the new words and expressions. 板书:unit  3  asking  the  waysuddenly, shout, thief,  out ofsee-saw     steal-stole   run-ran  come-came  tell-told     get-got  a  book  about  animalsfollow  sb.come  to  helpstart  to  doget  sth.  back   /  /  blouse  house  mouse  out    the  fifth  period一、教学目标和要求:1  通过复习,学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的与问路有关的词汇。2.能熟练地运用本单元所学懂得句型和日常交际用语。二、教学重点和难点:1. 四会单词和句型的掌握。2.     能灵活运用本单元所学内容。三.课前准备:单词卡片,地图,多媒体课件等。四.        教学过程:step  1.  play a game (课件,出示图)a.        what’s missing?b.       let’s read the phrases.2.do you know ? (扩展“地点”词汇)step  2  tell  a  story:t:  yang  ling  told  her  story  to  andy.  can  you tell  her  story  to  us?请学生上台,开展讲故事活动,比一比谁的故事讲得好。step  3  listen  and  number:先指导学生看图,认清图意,然后再听录音做题。听录音,根据所听内容的先后顺序,给六幅图标上序号。录音内容:1.excuse  me,  can  you  tell  me  the  way  to  jinling  primary  school?certainly.  go  along  this  street.  it’s  near  the  library.2.hello!  how  far  is  the  jinling  shopping  centre  from  here?let  me  see.  it’s  about  a  kilometre  away.3.i  want  to  go  to  the  train  station.  how  can  i  get  there?go  along  this  street,  and  then  turn  left  at  the  first  crossing.  the  station  is  on  your  right.4.i  want  to  go  to  the  history  museum.  how  many  stops  are  there?only  three.5.excuse  me,  where’s  the  post  office?it’s  over  there,  on  your  right.6.excuse  me,  sir.  i  can’t  find  the  way  to  yellow  river  middle  school.  can  you  tell  me  how  to  get  there,  please?sure.  take  bus  no.7  and  get  off  at  the  third  stop.参考答案:a  6,  b  4,  c  2,  d  5,  e  1,  f  3step  3  listen  and  match:教师在播放录音前先让学生说说图中的地点、交通工具等。录音内容:1.good  morning,  mike.  where  are  you  going?i’m  going  to  the  train  station.how  can  you  get  there?i  can  get  there  by  bus.2.who’s  that  girl  in  the  car?she’s  yang  ling.  she  is  going  to  the  shopping  centre.3.let’s  go  to  the  post  office,  david.all  right.  how  do  we  go  there?let’s  go  there  on  foot.4.there’s  a  bike  near  the  playground.  whose  is  it?it’s  liu  tao’s.  he’s  playing  football  with  his  classmate.5.hi!  is  nancy  in?no,  she  is  ill.  she’s  going  to  the  hospital  by  taxi.用人物、交通工具和地点说一句完整的话。step  4  listen,  read  and  write:做题前首先让学生口头说出完整的句子,再拼读单词和词组。参考答案:1.       streets  2.bus  stop  3.post  office  4.shopping  centre  5.museum  6.middle  school  7.train  station  8.primary  schoolstep  5  read  and  judge:自读短文。理解短文中每句的句意,并判断句子的对错。1.f  2.t  3.t  4.f  5.fstep  6  look,  read  and  complete:看图,读句子,然后完成对话。参考答案:1.       how,  take2.     tell,  to,  along,  turn,  at3.     want,  how  many,  only4.     get  off5.     how  far,  about,  away指导学生朗读对话。step  7  read  and  write:阅读句子,联系所给情景,将他们排列成一段对话。在做题前帮助学生正确理解句意,最后书面完成。参考答案:1.b,  d,  a,  c           2.c,  a,  b,  d3.c,  b,  a  d           4.a,  d,  c,  bstep  8  assign  homework:1. remember the words in this unit.2.   recite the text in part e.3.   review the whole unit.         


