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a card                   .3 make and act some dialogues with your friendsstep 5 homework1 dictate some new words and sentences2 recite part a ( unit1-2)六、    板书设计                   unit 4  review and check           what does this sign mean?      what day is it today?           it means…                      what date is it today?           must    mustn’t                 when’s your/his/her birthday?           should   shouldn’t               what would you/he/she like as…           can      can’t                   七、教后记 
unit 4 (第二课时)一、教学内容复习第三单元二、教学目标1、复习第三单元四会单词和词组

2、复习介词in, on, under, behind, near

3、复习be动词的过去式was.were 三、教学重点1、正确拼读和默写四会单词、词组

2、熟练掌握be动词的过去式,正确运用be动词的各种变化形式四、教学准备1、教具准备录音机和磁带。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。五、教学过程step 1 free talkt:  ask some questions         ss: answer the questions1. what day is it today ?    what day was it yesterday? 2. what date is it today?    what day was it yesterday ?3. when’s your birthday?4. tom was seven three years ago, how old is he now?5. mr green is forty this year, how old was he five years ago?

step 2 review the past tense of “be”

1 t: show the students some toys and ask:

  where is the camera/diary/ watch ?

  where are the films/earphones/cds ?

2 t: (put these things in a bag and ask)

   look, they are now in the bag, can you tell me where they were a moment ago?

  try to tell me one by one.

s: the camera was on the desk a moment ago/just now.



