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六年级英语下册Unit3 Part B Let’s talk and learn教案

课题:book8 unit4 part b let’s talk and learn

1.warm up
(1.)greetings(2)chant together p26
2.free talk & revision
a game: i say, you say.  
t:clean my room. s1:cleaned my room.
t:what did you do last weekend? s1: i cleaned my room. .……
t:what do you often do on the weekend?s1: i often clean my room. what about you?
教师继续free talk将read a book, go to a park/swimming/fishing/hiking五个词组贴到黑板上。学生拼读swimming,fishing。
step2. presentation
1. 认读yesterday
(ppt)展示两组句子it  is wednesday today.
                   it was tuesday yesterday.
                   it  is   tuesday   today.
                   it  was         yesterday.
s guess the meaning of 'yesterday'  板书分音节教读:yesterday.
2.教学:read a book
(1)教师做看书动作引导出词组read a book板书教读read 发音。
(2)练习对话:a: what did you do yesterday?
               b: i read a book.  
 t—ss   group1—group2  pair work  check
3、教学:did you read a book? yes ,i did.
(1)t: did you read a book?  s:yes.教师引导出i,did.
t—s1  group1—group2  pair work  check
4、 教学:went to a park   no,i didn't.
(1) 图片引导问题
s:did you read a book?
t:no. i went to a park.板书教读
t:did you go to a park?s:no教师引导出no,i didn't.
(3)情感教育:when you go to a park,remember some rules:there are some signs in some parks “no fishing. no swimming."
3.教学went swimming.
(1)猜测活动引导出went swimming.
一生扮演zhang peng,教师启发学生用所学主句型问:zhang peng zhang peng,did you read a book?
z:no, i didn't.
s:zhang peng ,did you go to a park?z:no, i didn't.
t: did you go swimming? z: yes, i did.
t:he went swimming.板书教读,师生共同替换练习主句型。
5、 举一反三,引出:went hiking,went fishing
(1)ppt出示填空题what did you do last weekend?
               i  (go)____ hiking.
               what did you do yesterday?



