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牛津小学英语6A Unit 8 Holidays (一)

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牛津小学英语6A Unit 8 Holidays (一)


牛津小学英语6A Unit 8 Holidays (一)

  教学目标语言知识目标:(以b部分的单词和c部分句型为主要教学内容)1.听、说、读、写单词和词组halloween, new year’s day, children’s day, national day, spring festival2.听、说、读、写句型 when’s…? it’s in… what do people usually do at…? they …  did you …last …? yes, i did./ no, i didn’t.3.听、说、读单词和词组delicious, dress up语言技能目标:通过学习,学生必须了解有关东西方节日风俗习惯,并能用新的语言表达方式谈论节日中的活动。教学重点:语言知识目标中的1、2。教学难点:能运用所学的新语言,与教师和同学自由交流在各种节日中的活动。教学准备:教具准备:教师准备:教师课前准备一些相关的节日照片和图片以及 b、c部分的教学挂图;写好板书和单词卡片。         学生准备:学生课前要收集好东西方节日的相关资料,如:图片、实物有关传说等。教学过程:a warming upsing a song  《 merry christmas 》b free talk教师选择一个即将到来的圣诞节作为切入口,通过free talk 的形式,引出其它节日单词和本课的新句型。t: boys and girls, what date is it today?s: it’s the 18th of december.t: when’s christmas?s it’s on the 25th of december.t: the christmas is coming soon.  so we’re getting very excited.  what do you usually do at christmas?s: i usually…t: do you usually have a party?s: no, but sometimes we have.t: did you have a party last year?s: yes, i did./no, i didn’t.c presentation and practice1、通过学生和教师的free talk, 引出本课的句型。when’s…? it’s in…  what do people usually do at…? they …  did you …last …? yes, i did./ no, i didn’t.学生按照句型模式进行小组操练,谈论他们在圣诞节上所进行的活动。2、教师出示有关春节活动的两张图片(走亲访友图和请客吃饭图),让学生猜是什么节日,教师引出新词the spring festival, 然后让学生讨论在春节他们中的一些活动,逐步引出新单词和词组delicious, relative, lots of delicious food, visit one’s relatives.t: here are two pictures for you. look at them and please guess what festival it is.s: …..t: it’s the spring festival.  学生口头操练the spring festival,然后教师用提问的方式引出单词delicious, relative。t: what do you usually do at the spring festival?s1: i stay at home and watch tv. s2: i like sleeping.t: you sleep a lot at the spring festival.s3: i usually visit my grandparents with my parents.t: do you visit your friends?s3: yes. t: i often visit my friends and my relatives.  引出单词relative和词组visit one’s relatives并进行操练。  do you usually visit your relatives at the spring festival?s: yes, i did./ no, i didn’t.t: what else do you usually do at…?s: i eat a lot of food.t: i think the food is very nice, very delicious. (教师可通过动作和面部表情的演示让学生理解词义)。操练单词,注意在第二个音节上重读。3、照本课的句型模式操练对话, 首先教师示范,然后学生小组操练。  a: when’s the spring festival?      b: it’s in january or februaty.a: what do you usually do at…? b: i …  a: did you …last …?      b: yes, i did./ no, i didn’t.4.4、用同样的方法新授其他节日单词halloween, new year’s day, children’s day, national day,继续巩固重点句型when’s…? it’s in…  what do people usually do at…? they …  did you …last …? yes, i did./ no, i didn’t.d consolidation  让学生围绕中西方传统节日,进行自由的对话交流。以本课的重点句型为主,同时结合旧知。e homework1、抄写本课的单词和词组。2、围绕中西传统节日这个话题,自编一个对话。3、预习a部分的对话。


牛津小学英语6A Unit 8 Holidays (一)
