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Unit2 What’s the matter with you? Class (3)

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Unit2 What’s the matter with you? Class (3)


Unit2 What’s the matter with you? Class (3)

teaching objectives:.
1. listen, say, read. read the following words: people, know, have the flu, take some medicine.
2. talk about the health and feeling.
analysis of the teaching
it is difficult for the students to read the dialogue fluently .
important points/difficult points:
read and understand the dialogues.
analysis of the students:
it is difficult for the students to understand the following :if you have a fever, you might have the flu. if you are sick, see the doctor. how do you know when you have the flu/
how do you feel if you have the flu?
what do you do if you have the flu?
teaching aids:
a tape recorder, pictures of dialogue, a table.
teaching procedure:   
 step one warm –up/revision
1, everyday english.
(1)ask four of the students to make dialogue freely with the following :
when do you get up?
when is your birthday?
what’s your favorite season?
my father and uncle wang go to work by bus because it’s cheap. my mother
where is …?
it’s next to the hospital
goes to work on foot because.
(2) show a picture. , dubbing with the picture.
i have a cold. i have a cold. i have a sore nose. my throat hurts. i have a sore throat. i hurt my hand. i have a fever. i think i have the flu. i feel sick. i have a headache.
 ( teaching intention:  firstly: make the students be interested in english by singing a song secondly: revise the old knowledge and lay a foundation for the new lesson .) 
step two. presentation
1.read after the tape.
i have a headache. i have a cold. i have a cold. i have a sore nose. my throat hurts. i have a sore throat. i hurt my hand. i have a fever. i think i have the flu. i feel sick. i have a headache.
yes. no.
2.explain the following new words:
1.feel sick
2.get the flu.
3.how do you know when you have the flu?
4.do you have a sore throat?
5.does your nose hurt?
6.if you have a fever, you might have the flu.
7.if you are sick, see the doctor.
 how do you feel if you have the flu? i have a headache. i have a sore throat.
3. if you have the flu, you should go and see the doctor or take some medicine.
4. answer the questions.
5. answer the questions.
6. make a survey.

nameageboy/girlhow do you feel if you have the flu?what do you do when you have the flu?        

say the following : how do you feel if you have a headache/toothache?
what do you do when you have a headache/toothache?
7. let’s sing. happy, sad, mad..
( teaching intention: presentation of the new lesson in the real situation. it helps the students learn to use the languages . )



Unit2 What’s the matter with you? Class (3)
