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Unit 4 I want to be an actor教案

本节课主要是听录音来完成各种对话,充分让学生学会职业的文法以及地点的表达法。以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。step 6 test 4’1、self check(见后面)让学生做后再讲解答案多媒体放映step 7 consolidation 4’在这节课例我们主要听录音然后回答问题,让学生充分练习听力,达到会听、会说然后在自己编对话来练习。大屏幕显示step 8homeworkread the newspaper more and more.让学生朗读3a部分的内容。

period four教学步骤、时间      教师活动学生活动媒体应用step 1organization 1’organize students to prepare for the classstep 2free talk 2’oral composition: my parents.such as: i have a very happy family.my father is a worker. he works in a factory. my mother is a nurse. she works in a hospital.学生口头作文,让他们把学到的知识系统地用到自己的作文中来。练习关于职业以及工作地点的表达。step 3presentation1. let the students hurry to read the words they can’t remember.2. then the teacher guid the students to go over the words. see how the students have grasped.3. ask students to write five new words in their vocab-builder.4. practise: i magine you want one of the jobs at bfs. write and explain why your are good person for the job.they don’t have to use real information about themselves-they can imagine that they have the skills needed to do one of the jobs. remind them that they have to show why they are good for the job.5. go over the whole unit, first the words and useful expressions.then go over the frills: what do you do? what does he do?where does he work? he works in a factory.1. 学生自测,看看他们急得如何。2. 在让学生写五个生词填在单词表上。3. 找工作:以小组为单位讨论。个人介绍推销自己。4.总复习时,领着学生复习全部单词,争取让每一个学生都能来掌握。多媒体放映图一图二出示单词卡片录音机step 4practice 6’now, practice the things we have learned.they can talk about the jobs. such as: what do you do?where does he work?he is a doctor. he works in a hospital.is he a police officer? yes, he is.no, he isn’t给学生一定的时间,让他们充分练习。学生小组讨论和练习。让大部分的同学都有机会来表演。多媒体放映step 5summary 2’game: how to find a good job? discuss and make a dialogue.以提问的形式来进行复习总结,在让学生有一个巩固的机会。step 6 test 4’1. self check(见后面)in this class, we have learned self-多媒体放映step 7consolidation(4’)check, then go over the whole unit. i think most of the students have grasped them very well.让学生写一篇作文。



