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初一年级教案活页纸           审核人:初一英语组全体老师

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unit6 pets总课时




welcome to the unit



teaching aims

1. to introduce students to the world of pets 2. to identify names of animals and typical features 3. to understand differences in animal features

teaching focus identify names of animals and typical features 2.phrases: bring sb sth           be more polite    swim around          on one’s lap hold sth in one’s hand   feed sb sth    teach sb to do sth

difficult pointsto identify names of animals and typical features

teaching methodtask-based approach,scene pedagogy and teaching with humor

teaching procedures

the second preparing lessonsstep i students to recall the names of some animals that they learnt. ask students do you like animals? what animals do you know? if you like an animal very much, you can keep it as a pet in your flat. what animal do you want to keep as a pet? 2.students give the answers. step ii   presentation1 present students some pictures, such as a cat, a dog, a rabbit, a goldfish, a mouse, a parrot, etc.2 talk with students:1).t: what is it? s: it is a rabbit. t: do you like it? s: yes, i like it very much. t: why do you like it? s: because it is has two long often jumps and runs here and there.i can feed it carrots when it is hungry.that will be interesting. 2)  t: what’s this? s: it’s a parrot. t: why do you like it? s: it can speak and sing like a person.that’s wonderful! i feel happy when it is with me.and i can teach it to speak. 3)  t: what do you think about the mouse? s: oh, it is small and soft. t: i can hold it in my hand.maybe some people don’t like it,but i think it is smart and lovely 4)  t: i like goldfish very much,and you? s: i like watching it swim around.its tail is so beautiful when it is happy and free it is in water! 5)  t:girls usually like cats,but one of my friends doesn’t. s:why? t:it often likes to sleep on her lap,so she can’t do anything. 3.teach new words. step iii  task1. encourage students to do the task in part a on page 93 2. divide the class into pairs. ask students to compare their answers and discuss any disagreements. 3.  students do part b as a quiz. students close their books. you read the sentences a-f and students have to guess the answer. the student who answers first gets a point. 4. ask students to prepare a sentence about their favorite pet. tell them to pretend that they have a pet if they do not own one. 5 .ask students to share their sentences. step iv  presentation



