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牛津7B Unit 5教案Unit 5  Abilities教案

unit 5  abilities教案

warming and welcome to the unit period 1

      teaching aims:

      1. to develop the students’ abilities of listening, reading, writing and


      2. to further understand the importance of saving water and arouse their

      awareness of saving water

      language focus:

      1. asking “how” questions to find out means

      2. using connectives to express conditions

      3. further understanding of the importance of saving water


      1. student’s book 7b

      2. a computer

      3. forms copied for each student

      4. several pieces of paper for making posters

      teaching procedure:

      pre-task preparation:

      1. review an english poem: water

      2. a dialogue about the knowledge of water given by the students on duty.

      raise questions and answer these questions about it . ( students vs students activity)

      3. review the usage of the water

      ask students to name as much ways of using water as they can.

      have a group competition.

      4. ask the students to think about the following question, “what will

      happen if there is no water?” show a set of pictures of water shortage and

      ask them to identify them. encourage them to say more .

      5.while-task procedure:

      introduce the new dialogue:

      1. students watch the slides and listen to the recording, “think and say”(p83)

      2. ask them to answer the questions they have heard from the tape.

      3. students listen again and repeat.

      4. students read the dialogue with their partners.


      5. show more pictures of saving water and ask the students to use the



