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Unit 11 What time do you go to school?

unit 11 what time do you go to school?
一. 指导思想
1. 坚持以学生为中心,以任务为主的教学原则。
2. 创造使用英语的机会,“学以致用”,贯彻英语学习的交际性原则。
3. 教师的作用:设计者,研究者,组织者,促进者,协调者。
二. 教学内容
1. talk about daily routines
2. ask about and say clock times
3. new words, phrases and sentence patterns.
三. 教具
四. 教学目标与要求
1. 语言目标:掌握问和表达不同时间段的时间及日程安排相关的单词,词组和重点句型。
2. 能力目标:学生能自如谈论和表达自己和他人的日程安排,能询问和回答时间,能笔头设计和表达科学合理的作息时间安排表。
3. 德育目标:培养学生形成互相关心,互相学习;促使学生形成良好的日常作息习惯。
五. 教学重难点
1. 重点词组和句型的用法.
2. 不同时间段的表达法.
3. 设计和表达日程安排.
六. 课堂教学步骤
the  first  period
step 1:presentation(设计意图:通过展示时钟,引导学生如何询问和表达时间。)
display a clock with moveable hands to the students, placing the hands at various times from 1:00 to 12:00 and calling on students to say the clock times shown and lead the students to read them. then present following dialogue
t: what time is it?
ss: it’s five o’clock
step 2:pairwork(设计意图:学生通过合作练习,掌握如何询问和表达时间。)
ask students to draw some clocks with various times. then ask and answer about the clock times each other.
step 3:presentation(设计意图:通过描述自己的早晨作息安排,使学生掌握如下语言知识:1.词汇go to school ,eat breakfast, take a shower, get up :2.句子结构:i usually do something at +times)
show some pictures of my morning routine with a clock showing different times and describe what is happening in each picture. for example: i usually get up at 5:00.usually eat breakfast at 7:00.i usually go to school at 8:00.then ask students  to repeat the sentences and the new words.
step4:survey( 设计意图:学生4人一组互相调查早晨的时间安排,如几点起床,几点吃早饭等,看谁最认真,时间安排最合理,通过这一任务的完成学生在交际的过程中进一步掌握询问和表达时间及作息安排的词汇和句型结构)   
ask students to narrate their own daily routines. then ask several to report it to the class. at last decide who does the most things and makes the most reasonable daily routines.



