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Where’s the post office

unit 2 where’s the post office
1. 在邮局/图书馆/宾馆/饭店/公园          in the post office/library/hotel/restaurant/park
2. 在警察局/电视台 
at the police station / tv station
3. 在一条繁忙的大街上  on a busy street
4. 在…附近  
near here = around here = in the neighborhood
5. 在……对面  across from
6. 在…旁边 next to
7. 在…前边 in front of
8. 在…之间 between … and …
9. 直走 go / walk straight
10. 沿…直走  go/walk straight along/down/up
11. 在(你的)左边 on the / your left
12. 右转  turn right
13. 享受城市美好的街道 enjoy the city’s quiet streets
14. 散步  take / have a walk= walk
15. 步行穿过公园 take a walk / go through the park 
16. 一座带着有趣花园的小房子 a small house with an interesting garden
17. 在花园之旅的开始 at the beginning of the garden tour
18. 一个好玩的地方 a good place to have fun
19. 打的  take a taxi
20. 路过你右边的一家银行 pass a bank on your right
21. 旅途愉快  have a good trip
22. 忙于做某事 be busy doing sth
1.there be句型 1). there be + 人 / 物 + 地点,意为__________________.
2). 辨析there be与have:
__________ a ruler on the desk.
they _______ a pencil.
______ your friend ______ a new pen pal?
3). there be就近原则,be动词由紧跟的名词单复数决定;
4). there be sb. doing sth. , 意为“__________”
1). __ there a pen and two books on the table?  a. is  b. are  c. am  d. be
2). is there a big supermarket on this street? __.  a. yes, there be.  b. no, there are.  c. yes, there is.  d. yes, there isn’t.
3). there are some people in the room. (疑)  ______ there ______ people in the room?
4). there are many apples on the apple tree.  _____ _____ on the apple tree?
5). there are some children ________ (play) on the playground.
2. 各“家”各异:house为“房屋,住宅”,;home为“家”,指一个人出生或居住的地方;family为“家庭,家庭成员”,与居住的房子无关。当family指家庭时,视为—_____数;当family指家庭成员时,视为_______数。
用house, home, family填空:
1). here is a _______ photo.
2). there are three _______ near the river. 
3).  they often stay at _______ on sundays.
4). my _____ all _ _____(like) watching football game.
5). welcome to my _______.
4. 不一样的“喜爱”:
1)enjoy doing sth= like doing 喜欢做某事
2)enjoy oneself = have a good time = have fun;
1). all the children _________ watching tv.          a. enjoy  b. likes  c. enjoys  d. love



