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Unit 4  Save The Trees知识点整理

unit 4  save the trees知识点整理

1. save  vt. 拯救;解救
   eg. let’s do something to save the animals in danger.
      the police saved the child from the fire.
【拓展】save    “节省、储蓄”   eg. save money     save time
【变形】safe    adj.       safety  n.
2.discuss    vt    “讨论” 后接名词(短语)或wh-从句及wh-短语           discussion  n.  
  eg. we discussed the problem.
      we will discuss who should do it.
      we will discuss what to teach next term.
3.  leaf   n.  “树叶”    复数:leaves
4. fight for...  “为……而战”                fight过去式:fought
   fight against  “与……作斗争”
  eg. he is fighting against his sickness.     they fight for freedom.
5. provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.  提供给某人……, 为某人提供……
supply sb. with sth.=supply sth  to sb.
offer sb. sth. =offer sth. to sb.
    eg. sheep provide us with wool. = sheep provide wool for us.
6.in many ways “在许多方面”
【短语】 by the way 顺便说一下      in a way 在某种程度上   
              in the way of sb. 妨碍某人  on the way to...在去……的途中        in this way  用这种方法
7. keep    “使维持(某种状态)”
  keep+名词+形容词              eg. the noise kept him awake.
  keep+名词+副词/介词短语       eg. don’t keep the boy outside/ in the room.
  keep +名词+doing              eg. she kept me waiting for half an hour.
keep in touch with与---保持联系;      keep back忍住(眼泪);扣下,隐瞒
keep sth in mind=remember
9.take in...  “接受……, 吸收……”
  eg. the kind man would like to take in the poor boy.
      fish take in oxygen through their gills.   鱼用腮吸氧气
10. breathe[i:]    v.        breath[e]   n.



