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Unit 6 Pets

⑵most of us were surprised at the surprising news.
6、she never worries because we take good care of her.
这里worry的意思是“担心”,“担忧”,作不及物动词,worry作为及物动词时,表示“使烦恼”,“使不适”。worry构成的短语有worry about ,be worried about .如:
⑴i’m worried about his studies.   我为他的学习而担忧。
⑵don’t worry about me ,i can look after myself.    不要为我担心,我能照顾我自己。
7. you ought to be more polite. 你应该有礼貌些。
8. my dog is the cleverest animal of all.   我的狗是所有动物中最聪明的。
9. we don’t have to feed her much.  我不必喂她吃很多。
10. his feathers look so beautiful in the sun.  他的羽毛在阳光下看起来是如此美丽。
11. don’t pull the rabbit’s ears.  不要拽兔子的耳朵。
12. you ought to play with your pet for some time every day. 你应该每天陪你的宠物玩一段时间。
13. you oughtn’t to feed your dog at your table. 你不应该在桌子边喂狗。
14. it’s necessary to walk them in the park once a day if you want them to be healthy.
15. it is very important not to give them too much food. 不要给它们太多的食物是很重要的(事)。
16. it is a good idea to clean its hutch every day. 每天清扫它的笼子是个好主意。
做……是个好主意    it’s a good idea to do sth
17. i can’t study because she makes too much noise.  我不能学习因为她制造太多的噪音。
18 fantail goldfish are easy to look after.= it’s easy to take care of fantail goldfish.
扇尾金鱼容易照顾。/ 照看扇尾金鱼是容易的。
19. 确保水既不太冷也不太热。   make sure the water is not too cold or too hot.  make sure (+) that 句子;           make sure to do sth
20. make sure 确保,保证,后接宾语从句,也可以接of 短语。
make sure that all the children arrive home safely.
make sure that the door is locked before you leave.
she works hard to make sure of the first prize.
21. you ought to put some stones at the bottom of the fish tank. 你应该在鱼缸底部放些石头。
22. fantail goldfish are different from other goldfish.=fantail goldfish are not the same as other goldfish. 扇尾金鱼与其它金鱼不一样。
23. you should keep the fish tank clean. 你应该保持鱼缸干净。
24. she weighs about 2 kilograms. 她重约2公斤。
25. 这猫重2公斤。
the cat weighs about 2 kilograms.
the weight of the cat is about 2 kilograms.
weigh v. 重量为……
the elephant weighs more than 1000 kilograms.


