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unit1 where’s your pen pal from? (ok)
1. --你的笔友来自哪里? -- where is your pen pal from?   (无“实义动词come, 用is/are”)
--他来自加拿大。-- he/she is from canada.
同义句:-- where does your pen pal come from?    (有“实义动词come, 用do/does”)
-- he/she comes from canada.
来自:be from = come from
练:they’re _______ australia, a beautiful country.
a. come from     b. comes from     c. from     d. for
2. --你的笔友来自加拿大吗?-- is your pen pal from canada?   (用法同上)
--是的。-- yes, he/she is.
同义句:-- does your pen pal come from canada?   (用法同上)  -- yes, he/she does.
3. 他来自澳大利亚:he is from australia.   他是澳大利亚人:he is australian.
4. --你的笔友住在哪里?-- where does your pen pal live?
--他住在多伦多。-- he/she lives in toronto.
居住在某地:live in sp                
练:-- when _____ the girl _____ her homework?   -- in the evening.
a. does, does     b. does, do     c. is, do     d. is, does
-- _______ your sister have a pen pal?   yes, she _______.
a. is, is     b. does, do     c. can, can     d. does, does
-- ling tao is a chinese, but now he _______ in the uk.
a. live     b. is     c. is from     d. comes from
5. --你的笔友说什么语言?-- what language does your pen pal speak?
--他说英语。-- he/she speaks english.
说某种语言:speak+语言;    其他用法:speak a little+语言;speak in+语言;
用某种语言说某东西:say sth in+语言;
对某人说:say to sb    告诉某人:tell sb
练:my new pen pal ________ me that he can ________ chinese but only a little.
i can’t ________ french, but i can ________ it in english.
6. 我喜欢和我的朋友一起去看电影:i like going to the movies with my friends.
① 句型:喜欢做某事:like doing sth = like to do sth
② 去看电影:go to the movies     ③ 看电影:see a movie
7. 写信给某人:write to sb = write a letter to sb
互相写信:write to each other     互相写电子邮件:write e-mails to each other
8. 一部动作电影:an action movie
9. 告诉我关于你自己:tell me about yourself
讲故事:tell a story   讲故事给某人听:tell a story to sb
10. 在周末:on weekends    在平时:on the weekdays


